Lessons from the IoT coalface Bryan Marshall – Nominet R&D UK-IGF 2015
Nominet R&D
Solve real problems Images: Oxford Mail Twitter Feed
Split into 3 Real problems The Thing bit The Internet bit Solve real problems
IoT is where the digital world meets the physical world
Data entry vs IoT data capture Data entry vs IoT data capture
Power is king
Good sensor components are expensive
Equipment is not always secure
There are many solutions to IoT connectivity
IoT connectivity is not a solved problem
WiFi 4G (LTE) IEEE IEEE af (TVWS) HIGH DATA RATE LOW POWERLONG RANGE 2G (GPRS) Bluetooth LE IEEE (Zigbee etc) Ultra Narrow Band (Sigfox etc)
Sensor Connectivity solution Internet access point Data broker Data stream processor Storage AnalyticsApplication Device Management The ‘I’ is for Internet
Sensor Internet access point Data broker Data stream processor Storage Analytics Presentation Analytics Storage Actuator Data broker Device Management Data stream processor Sensor Alternative data source Device Management Components not platforms Application layer Gateway Internet access point Device Management
Sensor Internet access point Data broker Data stream processor Storage Analytics Presentation Analytics Storage Acuator Data broker Device Management Data stream processor Sensor Alternative data source Device Management..but think security at every point Application layer Gateway Internet access point Device Management
Separate device from data
..or can you?
Think about the end user
Democratise the process
Avoid pin-itis Image: SmartSantander
Work with great partners
Summary Remember the real world is complex and messyRemember the real world is complex and messy IoT should be breaking silos, not creating themIoT should be breaking silos, not creating them Good software tools are needed to encourage IoTGood software tools are needed to encourage IoT The IoT is still evolving – more case studies neededThe IoT is still evolving – more case studies needed