CCC Statement of Faith “Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, His Body, which is composed of all men, living and dead, who have been joined to Him through saving faith.”
Look What Our Lord Has Done For His Church! Christ has made us a “called-out assembly.” Christ has given the church 3 important tasks Christ can (has and will) work through various types of church government. Christ has given us graphic, tangible learning aids.
Christ has made us a `called-out assembly.' Definition of `church' (Greek = ekklesia ). – Literal meaning: "Those called out" or "an assembly.“ From: kaleo = "to call" and ek = "out“ – “Church” is used in a local sense. – “Church” is used in a universal sense.
Christ Has Made Us A “Called-out Assembly.” A “church” in the New Testament sense was not always a gathering made up solely of genuine believers. The church in Laodicea seems to have included those who did not truly know the Lord (Rev. 3:14-22). It was a severe enough problem that Christ depicted Himself as outside the church, knocking to be allowed in!
Christ Has Made Us A “Called-out Assembly.” Common disillusionment about the church can be changed if we: –Get a taste of what a genuine church can be. – Catch the Biblical vision for the Church. – Realize that people are still sinners after they join a church.
Christ Has Made Us A “Called-out Assembly.” It is Jesus' church! Matt. 16:15-18 Exaltation and worship Evangelism, ministry to the world. Edification, ministry within the gathered community.
Christ Has Given The Church 3 Important Tasks: Evangelism, ministry to the world. – Evangelism is to be done by all, to all, in all places – The message is always basically the same, even though the methods may vary. – Involve new believers as soon as possible in the life of a local church.
Christ has given the church 3 important tasks: Edification, ministry within the gathered community. – It's a ministry for all believers using their gifts with minimum structure. – The purpose is to build and equip toward complete maturity in Christ. – Two leaders: elders, deacons
Christ can (has and will) work through various types of church government. Hierarchical (Episcopal): Clear chain-of- command. Top down government. Most efficient. Hardest to reform. Congregational (Congregational): Everyone has a voice in the decisions. Fairly inefficient but unifying Easiest to reform.
Christ can (has and will) work through various types of church government. Presbyterian (Reformed): Top down government. Fairly inefficient. Fairly hard to reform.
Forms of Church Government FormAdherentsAuthorityBasis Episcopal Roman Catholic Orthodox Episcopal Lutheran Methodist Bishops Acts 6:6; 14:23 Galatians 1:19; 2:9 Presbyterian Reformed Elders Acts 20:17 1 Tim. 5:17 Titus 1:5 Congregational Baptist Mennonite Evangelical Free Congregation Acts 15:12, Colossians 1:18 1 Peter 2:9
Christ can (has and will) work through various types of church government. Perspectives: Should be designed to meet needs -- structure should not become absolute. Should be kept simple and flexible to serve the people, a local strategy, and the goals of the Church.
Christ has given the church graphic, tangible learning aids. Baptism (Mt 28:19) Meaning of Greek word, baptizo : to place into and identify with. Symbolism: – Baptistic: believer is identified with Christ's death and resurrection. – Reformed: children welcomed into the covenant family by the “sign and seal of the covenant;” the New Testament equivalent of circumcision. (Not symbol of individual salvation).
Christ has given the church graphic, tangible learning aids. The Lord's Supper Body: identification; affirming that we are joined to Him – we have salvation. Blood: Cleansing and fellowship with Lord and other believers Together: remember His death and proclaim the facts of the Gospel (looking back), Remind of the Lord's return (looking ahead), and celebrate our oneness with the Body (looking here and now).
OUR FORM AND FREEDOM Application: Together, we show the salvation in Christ, the faith for God to work in the world, and the hope for the future. We live our faith in the world and testify to others of our faith; we demonstrate prayers; we work for good in human relations; we love each one.