Los meces del año y los días de la semana Hecho por Dr. Jacobs ©2007
Los meces del año This PowerPoint presentation gives you the names of the months of the year. We review the months of the year in every grade level each day as part of the calendar work we do. The second part of this presentation gives the names of the days of the week. The last part shows how to tell the date using this information.
Los meces del año y los días de la semana Notice how many of the months are cognates. Cognates are words that similar in two different languages. The names of the days of the week dont really have any cognates, so most people find they just have to memorize them in the right order as a way to remember their names.
Los meces del año Use the vocabulary in this presentation to practice as often as you need to in order to learn the months of the year better. When you finish please leave me feedback on this resource. Your responses help me improve this and other web-based resources designed to help my students improve their Spanish vocabulary.
Los meces del año EnglishSpanishEnglishSpanish JanuaryeneroJulyjulio FebruaryfebreroAugustagosto MarchmarzoSeptemberseptiembre AprilabrilOctoberoctubre MaymayoNovembernoviembre JunejunioDecemberdeciembre
Pregunta importante An important question that gets asked in class each day is, ¿Cuántos meces hay en el año? From the numeros PowerPoint you already know that cuántos means how many or how much. To answer the pregunta, or question, just count up the meces on the previous slide and give that number in Spanish. Another question that gets asked is, ¿Cómo se llaman los meces del año? Here the teacher is asking for the names of los meces del año.
Los días de la semana EnglishSpanish Mondaylunes Tuesdaymartes Wednesdaymiércoles Thursdayjueves Fridayviernes Saturdaysábado Sundaydomingo
Mas preguntas importantes Another question that gets asked each day is¿Cuántos días tiene la semana? or ¿Cuántos días hay en una semana? Again, you can see that we are talking about how many of something there are. The question, ¿Cómo se llaman los días de la semana? Just like with los meces, the answer has to do with the names of things. You can probably guess which things you would need to name to answer the quesiton correctly.
Decir la fecha (saying the date) In class each day we use the information you have just seen and the numbers 1-30 to tell the date. The next slides will help you review how to tell the date. If you have trouble, use these slides to review so you can improve and feel more comfortable expressing this information in class.
Decir la fecha Heres a calendar showing November. Well use it to help show how to tell the date. noviembre lunesmartes miercoles juevesviernessabadodomingo
noviembre lunesmartes miercoles juevesviernessabadodomingo Lets say you want to tell someone that today is Friday, November 2 nd. In Spanish you would use the format you see at the bottom of this page. To tell the date you use this format: Hoy es _________, el _________ de _________. Hoy is pronounced oy and means today. See the next slide for how to fill in the format above.
noviembre lunesmartes miercoles juevesviernessabadodomingo In the first blank you say the name of the day. Hoy es ________, el _________ de ________. Hoy es _viernes_, el _ dos de _noviembre. In the second blank you say the number of the date (2 nd, 3 rd, 18 th, etc…). In the last blank you say the name of the month.
Another example Now lets say you want to say that its Thursday, November 22. The next slide shows you how to do that.
noviembre lunesmartes miercoles juevesviernessabadodomingo In the first blank you say the name of the day. Hoy es ________, el _________ de ________. Hoy es jueves_, el _ veintidos de _noviembre. In the second blank you say the number of the date (2 nd, 3 rd, 18 th, etc…). In the last blank you say the name of the month.
What to do now Now that you know the format and how to say the date, practice using it to tell the date. The more you practice the easier it will be when you want to say it in class or somewhere else. If you feel like you need practice with the names of the numbers 1-30, please see my PowerPoint for grade 2 on the numbers to help you. Leave me feedback about this PowerPoint presentation so I know if you found it helpful or if there are things that you feel could be improved.