Workshop on Flow and heavy flavour in high energy heavy-Ion collisions Inha University, 2015/2/26
Topics 1.Hadronic rescattering effects 2.Causal Hydrodynamic fluctuation 3.Energy/Momentum transport away from jet 4.Anomalous hydrodynamic simulations 0 collision axis time Towards future hydrodynamic modeling and comprehensive understanding of the QGP in high energy heavy-ion collisions
TH, P.Huovinen, K.Murase and Y.Nara, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 70, 108 (2013). S.Takeuchi, K.Murase, TH, P.Huovinen and Y.Nara, in preparation. H.Hinohara and TH, work in progress.
Final hadronic observables History of the whole space-time evolution Direct information about the QGP? Contaminated by hadronic rescatterings Need “penetrating probes”? 0 collision axis time
Monte-Carlo initialization Glauber Karzeev-Levin-Nardi Ideal hydrodynamics Full 3D Lattice EOS Event-by-event Particlization Cooper-Frye T sw = 155 MeV Hadronic cascade JAM On/off rescatterings TH, P.Huovinen, K.Murase and Y.Nara, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 70, 108 (2013). 0 collision axis time
Pions, WITHOUT rescatterings Pions, WITH rescatterings Two-pion correlation function from Koonin-Pratt eq. Non-Gaussian tail Significant hadronic rescattering effects on pion source function in PCMS S.E. Koonin, Phys. Lett. B70, 43 (1977); S.Pratt et al., Phys. Rev. C42, 2646 (1990). S.S.Adler et al. [PHENIX Collaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007).
Phi mesons less rescattering with other hadrons Typical example of hadronic rescattering effect See also, A. Shor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 1122 (1985); H. Van Hecke et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5764 (1985). TH et al., Phys. Rev. C 77, (2008).
M.Nasim [STAR Collaboration], Nucl. Phys. A , 413c (2013) Violation of mass ordering discovered by STAR
Multi-strange hadrons “Penetrating probes”
Mesons Baryons -mesons -baryons Minimum bias Early freezeout for multi-strange hadrons
K.Murase and TH, arXiv: TH, R.Kurita, K.Murase and K.Nagai, Nucl. Phys. A 931, 831(2014)
ShearShear stress tensorGradient of flow BulkBulk pressureDivergence of flow DiffusionDiffusion current Retarded (Causal) response function
: Symmetrized correlation function : Thermal fluctuation Fluctuation-Dissipation relation Stochastic constitutive equation K.Murase and TH, arXiv:
Entropy fluctuation dissipation Thermal equilibrium state = Maximum entropy state Balance between fluctuation and dissipation Stability of the thermal equilibrium state
Ideal hydroDissipative hydro Fluctuating hydro Observables within fluctuating hydro + cascade
Equation of motion Stochastic constitutive equations : Energy density : Pressure : Entropy density : Bulk pressure : Shear viscosity : Relaxation time : Bulk viscosity Shear: Bulk: : Shear stress Hydrodynamic noise
Time evolution of shear stressFinal entropy distribution Single initial condition Fluctuation of final observables
Y.Tachibana and TH, Phys. Rev. C 90, (2014)
Figures adapted from talk by C.Roland (CMS) at QM2011 Jet momentum balanced by low p T hadrons outside the jet cone! in-cone out-of- cone 20 CMS, PRC 84, (2011)
QGP wake induced by jet energy and momentum loss
Momentum transport away from jet axis Qualitatively consistent with CMS findings
Ideal gas (Conformal matter) Lattice EoS (Wuppertal Budapest) The softer EoS, the larger emission angle S. Borsanyi et al., JHEP 1011, 077 (2010)
M.Hongo, Y.Hirono and TH, arXiv: Y.Hirono, T.Hirano, D.Kharzeev, arXiv:
Anomalous Hydrodynamics chiral magnetic effect chiral separation effect ? Observables Talk by S.I.Nam
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Axial charge Electric charge Magnetic field Electric charge current in the direction of magnetic field The 1 st anomalous hydro simulation Y.Hirono, T.Hirano, D.Kharzeev, arXiv:
Recent development in hydro modeling Hydrodynamics with Hadronic afterburner Thermal fluctuation Jet propagation Anomalous transport Detailed description towards understanding of the QGP
CONVENTIONAL HYDRO Hadronic afterburner Jet propagation and back reaction Anomalous transport Thermal fluctuation
Centrality dependence of multiplicity fluctuation TH, R.Kurita, K.Murase and K.Nagai, Nucl. Phys. A 931, 831(2014) Important in small system
Adapted from a seminar talk by M.Hongo at BNL (2013) D.Kharzeev and H.U.Yee(2011);Y.Burnier et al.(2011) For introduction of CME and CSE, see K.Fukushima, arXiv: chiral separation effect chiral magnetic effect