Module 6.0: Communication Protocol DIT Installation Series Trainer Name Date
2 Pre-Reading: Prior to engaging in the sixth DIT Installation module please review the following : and any notes written in the Scoring Guide 1.Your district’s DCA baseline data for items 10, 11, and 12 and any notes written in the Scoring Guide 2.Document titled: –“School Leadership Team and District Implementation Team Linking Communication Protocol” Pre-Reading & Work
3 Pre-Readings and Pre-Work: Quick Reference
4 6.1Unpacking a “Communication Protocol” 6.2Components of a Communication Protocol Agenda
5 6.1Unpacking a “Communication Protocol”
6 Communication Protocol: formal procedure or system for gathering and disseminating important information specific to a common focus that has been mutually agreed upon by all groups / teams who will be impacted by its use Definition
7 It is important to be clear about what information is needed, how it is to be gathered, and, how it will be disseminated so the information can be acted upon in a timely way Why Formal?
8 “Word of mouth” communication that is based on who somebody happens to run into Loose definitions of who is responsible for gathering and disseminating information and what information needs to be gathered Lack of follow though for responding to information provided and addressing challenges that are stalling implementation efforts Developing a communication protocol that either never gets used, gets used once but doesn’t work, or is not adjusted to be more effective Communication Protocols: What to Avoid
9 Logistics Implementation successes Implementation challenges MTSS specific assessments Data systems Implementation plan for specific MTSS components Recall: Categories of on-Going Communication Recall we discussed the need for a DIT to know about implementation successes when developing model demonstration sites because it is important to try to scale up the same successes across schools!
10 Communicating implementation successes can be very influential to staff who are in need of more consensus building Communicating implementation successes can also be very important for maintaining visibility and political support for the EI (this increases the likelihood of sustained implementation) DIT’s Role in Supporting Successes
11 Logistics Implementation successes Implementation challenges MTSS specific assessments Data systems Implementation plan for specific MTSS components Recall: Categories of on-Going Communication Recall we also discussed the need for a DIT to gather challenges and disseminating them to the appropriate group / team when developing model demonstration sites. You don’t want to scale up the same challenges across schools! 4 of the 6 bullets on this list will contain many challenges that need to be addressed.
12 Many implementation challenges require decisions to be made Your team determined a decision-making protocol for addressing common implementation challenges DIT’s Role in Addressing Challenges
13 The DIT’s role is to make sure the challenges are: –Gathered across implementers (School Leadership Teams, Coaches) in a timely way –Disseminated to the appropriate group that has the ability to address the challenges –Communication occurs back to the implementers (School Leadership Teams, Coaches) so they know the challenges they shared have been communicated and are being addressed DIT’s Role in Addressing Challenges (cont.)
14 Depending on the types of challenges, there are some things the DIT can do to address those things if they are within the purview of the DIT to be able to address –Re-training requests for EI components –Requests for additional examples for school- level products / processes to support the Tier 1 PBIS DIT’s Role in Addressing Challenges (cont.)
15 Bottom line: there needs to be a Communication Protocol established (at a minimum) between School Leadership Teams and the DIT After this Communication Protocol has been tested, refined, and is successfully used, other communication protocols need to be developed with groups / teams DIT’s Role in Addressing Challenges (cont.)
16 Develop the next set of communication protocols between groups / teams whose work overlaps with the EI components to ensure work compliments and supports EI implementation efforts (examples below) –DIT and Executive Team (Cabinet) –DIT and Administrative Team –DIT and District Curriculum Committee –DIT and School Improvement Teams –DIT and ISD Next Set of Communication Protocols
17 Refer back to your baseline DCA data for items to determine what components already exist for a Communication Protocol and process for identifying and removing challenges (barriers). Outline what elements of your processes are working well and you do not want to lose. Refer to the 2-point column of the DCA Scoring Guide to determine what should be added to your existing processes. Activity
18 6.2Communication Protocol Components
19 Communication Protocol Template
20 Identification of groups / teams that will agree to use the Communication Protocol Purpose Information that is necessary to be gathered and communicated between both groups / teams Team designee(s) who will be responsible for meeting to gather and disseminate the necessary information Communication Protocol Components The type of information that needs to be gathered and disseminated must inform who the appropriate team designees.
21 Format for gathering information Agreed upon timelines for responding to and addressing the challenges Format for responding to challenges Communication Protocol Components (cont.)
22 Face to face meeting is scheduled (monthly, every other month, or quarterly) Information could be gathered following school- level installation training sessions (debrief meeting that would lend itself to identifying any possible challenges that need to be addressed based on what was just learned and just assigned) Google Hangout (used in between face to face meetings as a quick check-in to learn about successes and challenges) Possible Options for Gathering Information
23 Components Determine the Agenda Topics
24 Based on your review of the Communication Protocol and sample agenda and what you already have in place (documented in your district’s baseline DCA data), outline next steps for: 1.Documenting your Communication Protocol to School Leadership Teams 2.Identifying the format that will be used to gather information outlined in the protocol 3.Debriefing its use to discuss successes and refinements that may be needed. Activity
25 Develop a draft of a Communication Protocol between the School Leadership Teams and District Implementation Team for the DIT and any other appropriate people to review and provide feedback. Work with the Cohort 1 School Leadership Teams to ensure there is mutual agreement to: –Implement the Communication Protocol –Refine the Communication Protocol so it works effectively Finalize the Communication Protocol and place it behind the appropriate DIT binder tab for easy reference. Assignment