Worcestershire Historic Environment Record and Advisory Service Emily Hathaway Historic Environment Landscape Officer Andie Webley Historic Environment Record Officer
2 Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service What is the Historic Environment Record? (HER) Database of all known historical or archaeological evidence for the County Historic and archaeological sites, monuments, buildings, finds, landscapes and activities
3 Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service
The HER in Planning and Research 4Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service Historic Environment Record Planning Application Archaeological Planning Advisor Contracting Unit HER Search Report Archaeological Investigation Archaeological Report Private, Community or Public Researcher Desk Based Research and Fieldwork Research Report or Publication Numerous sources of information including internal research, Historic England Designated Lists, private photographs, personal comments, Estate Agents details…
The HER Resource 5Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service
The HER Resource 6Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service
The HER Resource 7Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service
The HER Resource 8Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service
What can HERs do for you? Record your research within the HER and ensure it contributes to local and national knowledge. Provide access to HER resources to support your research or further your interest Over 300 records within the Worcestershire HER for Parks and Gardens 9Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service
What Can HERs do for you? 10Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service You can visit many HERs by appointment. Most HERS also provide records online via the heritage gateway: In Worcestershire we are located at The Hive alongside the archive and library and have a open office 1- 4pm weekdays.
HERs and CGTs working together Continuous evolution of our understanding of the Historic Environment through research. 11Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service
12Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service Photograph © English Heritage NMR 27790_029 Historic Environment Landscape Advice
13 Landscape can be defined as; ‘an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors’ (European Landscape Convention, 2000)
Geology Geomorphology 14Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service Historic Environment Hydrology Climate Change Biodiversity Ecology Landscape
15Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service Green Infrastructure Neighbourhood Planning Agri Environment - Countryside Stewardship - mid tier and higher tier applications and woodland management Removal of Hedgerow Applications Landscape Survey and Condition Assessment Landscape Projects – predominately funded by Historic England and HLF
16Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service Green Infrastructure and Neighbourhood Plans
17Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service Your Place Matters: Community Planning for the Future of Rural Buildings and their Setting Producing a ‘Landscape Character Statement’ for your Neighbourhood Plan Understanding, characterising, and advocating local historic environments through Neighbourhood Planning: Community workshops
18Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service Agri Environment
19Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service Landscape Survey, Condition Assessment and Management Advice
20Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service Recent Projects Historic Landscape Characterisation Historic Farmstead Characterisation Worcestershire Villages Historic Environment Resource Assessment Synthesis of Rural Building Types in their Setting Wyre Forest Landscape Partnership – 'Uncovering a Hidden Landscape: Lidar Survey in Wyre Forest' Flooding and Disaster Planning: Preparing Emergency Services and Their Partners for Disaster Planning with Respect to Heritage Assets Putting the Palaeolithic into Worcestershire's HER:
21Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service Wyre Forest Landscape Partnership Wyre Forest Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)
22Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service Historic Farmstead Characterisation
23Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service Flooding and Disaster Planning: Preparing Emergency Services and Their Partners for Disaster Planning with Respect to Heritage Assets
24Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service Synthesis of Rural Building Types in their Setting