Implications of Subject Choice Bill Core Guidance Counsellor
Agenda Welcome / Introductions To examine the importance of Effective Subject Choice by looking at: Higher Education System - NFQ General college requirements Specific course requirements To explain the procedure of subject choice Questions & ( hopefully !) Answers
Subject Choice Important Decision for each student Some students fail to realise the significance because the L.C. seems so far away
National Framework Of Qualifications The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) Have you seen this ‘fan’ diagram before?
New National Framework of Qualifications Why? – Compare qualifications internationally/job mobility Levels 1 –10 Junior Cert = Level 3 Leaving Cert = Level 4 / 5 Higher Cert = Level 6 (2 years) Ordinary Degree = Level 7 (3 years) Honours Degree = Level 8 (3/4 years)
Education & Training Levels 10HETACDoctorate 9HETACMasters 8HETACDegree (Hons) 7HETACDegree (Ord.) 6FETAC L6Higher Certificate 5FETAC / SECLeaving Cert 4FETAC / SECLeaving Cert 3SECJunior Cert 2 1 HND
Universities - Only Offer Level 8 Honours Degrees TCD UCD DCU NUI, Maynooth UCC NUI Glaway UL *UU & Queens
Institutes of Technology (IT’s) Offer a wide variety of courses at different levels: Higher Certificate Level 6 (2 years) Ordinary Degree Level 7 (3 years) Honours Degree Level 8 (3/4/5 years) Athlone Blanchardstown Carlow Cork DublinDundalk Dun Laoghaire Galway LetterkennyLimerick Sligo Tallaght Tralee Waterford
Requirements for Higher Education General Matriculation Requirements Course Specific Subject requirements Points
General Matriculation Requirements Six subjects for Degree level, 2 or 3 at Honours level - Universities Five subjects at Ordinary level for Higher Certificate/Ordinary Degree to include Maths and Irish or English – Institutes of Technology
Matriculation / Minimum Entry Requirements Cont’d Maths, English & Irish - most commonly required. Some require a Third Language Of the 43 3 rd Level Colleges available through the CAO system – 7 require students to have a Third Language: 1. UCD2. NUIG3. UCC4. NUI Maynooth 5. Shannon College of Hotel Management 6. Royal College of Surgeons 7. St. Angels College Sligo Language very useful in today’s world!
Exceptions to Language Rule If exempt from Irish or languages in school Engineering & science courses at NUI Maynooth & Science at UCD Nursing NCAD - Art accepted in lieu of language
Other Universities TCD & UL – Maths, English and Irish or a third language. DCU – Maths and either English or Irish IMPORTANT– Wide variety of Degree & other courses available that do not require a third language as long as you have Maths & English or Irish
Course specific requirements Many Honours. Engineering/Computer Science Degrees need Higher Maths Language Courses require an Honours in your chosen language Courses in Science, Medicine (this includes Physiotherapy, Dentistry, Veterinary, Pharmacy, etc.), Nursing, Architecture and some Engineering courses require 1 or 2 sciences Honours Chemistry is required for some Medicine & Human Nutrition courses
Course Entry Requirements The Sciences: Chemistry: Veterinary & Medicine in UCD Pharmacy in UCC, Trinity & RCSI Dietician in DIT Dentistry and Medicine in UCC Physics: Electronic & Electrical Engineering UCC Theoretical Physics UCD & Trinity Biology: Some Medicine / Veterinary courses Some Hairdressing and Beautician courses
Course Entry Requirements - Sciences Two Science: Many Medical, Paramedical & Science related courses in Trinity – Geography recognised as Science for some courses but not Physiotherapy. Pharmacy, Medicine and Dentistry in UCC. One science subject is required for the following fields: Home Economics teaching, Nursing, Medical, Paramedical, Science, Sports Science and Engineering.
Examples of Specific Course Requirements Medicine (UCC) HC in Chemistry + HC in Physics or Biology Computer Systems (UL, degree) B3 in ordinary level Maths Business Studies (UL, degree) C3 in ordinary level Maths Engineering courses (degree) Honours Maths (HC3), 1 science subject Note: Physics is a good indicator for engineering
Other courses have no specific requirements Business subjects are not required for any Business, Commerce or Accountancy courses Technical Graphics (Now called Design and Communication Graphics) is not an essential requirement for Architecture, Architectural Technician, Engineering or Construction courses Art is not an essential subject for Art College, but a portfolio is
Points System All subjects count equally for entry to college or university Points are calculated from the student’s six best results in one sitting of the Leaving Certificate Entry given to those with the highest points for competitive courses
Procedure for Subject Choice Students take four optional exam subjects They state the 6 subjects that they wish to take in genuine order of preference Every effort is made to facilitate students. If the combination is unavailable they are given their fifth preference Note: Limited Resources influence level of choices available!
How can you help? Keep your options open Be pro-active Research Encourage discussion with parents / guardians/ siblings/ others
Navigating Qualifax website - Students - Find a course - Higher Education CAO Enter a Keyword e.g. Nursing Enter a qualification Type e.g. Level 8 Search
Summary Check any essential subjects Choose subjects they like and enjoy Make a balanced choice e.g. Irish, English, Maths, Language, Science + 2/3 other subjects Keep their options open
**** REMEMBER **** If you take nothing else away from tonight remember - There are consequences to not taking a European Language There are consequences to not taking a Science subject
The World is their Oyster!