RFP Secondary Pharmacy Distribution Pre-Submittal Conference 1 October 2, 2015
Department Name Goes Here Agenda Introduction Background General Information Submittal – Key Sections to Review Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs) RFP Requirements Attachments General Terms & Conditions Scope of Work / Service Requirements Questions 2
Background UTMB The state’s first Academic Health Center Medical School established in 1891 125 years Granted >25,000 degrees in: Medicine Nursing Biomedical Sciences Allied health Sciences Goals to Expand Academic & Healthcare Footprint New facilities include Jennie Sealy Replacement Hospital and League City Campus expansion, Angleton Danbury Hospital Beds ~ 442 Approximately 20 new surgical suites in early 2016 Increase by ~ 15,000 surgeries per year 3
General Information 4 Submittal Deadline: Tuesday, December 15, 3 pm Contact for RFP – Elena Brokhin RFP Secondary Pharmacy Distribution
Submittal - Key Sections to Review Historically Underutilized Businesses (Section 1.14) Submittal Instructions (Section 2.2) Submittal Checklist (Section 2.5) Scope of Work / Service Requirements (Section 4) 5
Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs) (Section 1.14) UTMB has reviewed this RFP in accordance with the Texas Administrative Code Section (Title 34, Part 1, Chapter 20, Subchapter B, Rule 20.14) and has determined that subcontracting opportunities are not probable under this solicitation. If your company does intend to subcontract any portion of the work, your proposal must include a “HUB Subcontracting Plan” (HSP). The HSP Package, including the required forms and instructions, can be accessed via the UTMB’s HUB Program website at If you have any questions or need assistance please contact UTMB’s Manager of Supplier Diversity Programs/ HUB Program Coordinator, Karen Gross, at (281) , (409) or Supplier Diversity 6
RFP Requirements Preparation & Submittal Instructions (Section 2.2) o Submit one (1) electronic version and/or (1) paper copy. Submittal Checklist (Section 2.5) Signed and Completed Execution of Offer (ref. Section 5) Signed and Completed Pricing, Delivery & Addenda Affirmation (ref. Section 6) Responses to Respondent's Questionnaire (ref. Section 7) Attachment A - Price Schedule 7
Attachments Section 5 - Execution of Offer Section 6 - Pricing, Delivery & Addenda Affirmation Section 7 - Supplier Questionnaire MUST BE SIGNED & COMLETED (Not doing so may result in the rejection of your proposal) Attachment A- Price Schedule The attached Price Schedule should be used to provide cost of goods sold discount with clear delineation of what purchases it does not apply to and any discounts offered based on payment terms (30 day pre-pay, 15 day net, etc.). Please submit in Excel format only. HUB If you are subcontracting any services please include your HUB Plan 8
General Terms & Conditions This RFP and any Purchase Order, unilateral or bilateral Agreement, if any, resulting from this Request for Proposal shall be subject to UTMB’s Rider 103 Standard Terms and Conditions. onditions%2012_17_14.docx If Respondent takes exception to any terms or conditions set forth in the RFP, Respondent will submit a list of the exceptions as part of its proposal in accordance with Section 2.4 of this RFP. Respondent’s exceptions will be reviewed by UTMB and may result in disqualification of Respondent’s proposal as non-responsive to this RFP. General exceptions are not allowed. Please explain the reason of the exceptions. 9
Scope of Work / Service Requirements 4.2 Statement of Purpose The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals for a secondary pharmaceutical wholesaler to assist the UTMB with the procurement of pharmaceuticals. A secondary wholesaler is needed to ensure business continuity and to obtain pharmaceuticals from a secondary source in the event of a drug outage or shortage. Such services and products shall include, but not be limited to, pharmaceuticals, IV solutions, and other health care products. 4.3 Minimum Requirements: A.Wholesaler must possess a distributor license. B.Wholesaler must possess DEA permit for distributor. C.Wholesaler must assure a safe and secure pharmaceutical supply chain and be compliant with Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) requirements for TI/TH/TS and be able to supply the information electronically to the designated DSCSA vendor. D.Pharmaceutical products must be labeled with appropriate machine-readable codes that represent, at least, the “Triad of Safety” (i.e., the National Drug Code (NDC); Expiration Date and Manufacturer’s Lot/Control Number) and which are compatible with scanning technologies and systems. E.Wholesaler shall provide online ordering system for Procurement. 10
Questions? 11