Themes in Psychology Major Themes in Psychology
The Science of Psychology Theme #1 The scientific method & Experimentation
Scientific Attitude Ask Questions Evaluate Evidence Question Conclusions
Scientific Method 1.Research 2.Hypothesis 1.Supported by logical argument 3.Test – Experiment 4.Conclude 5.Reflect
Experiment Example experiment video monkey business
experiment Controlled environment with only 1 variable changing 1.Changed variable is the independent variable 2.Measured variable is the dependent variable a)Ex. Color of the room affects test scores 3.Keep all other important factors the same 4.Experimental condition vs. Control condition Random assignment = same “average” person in both conditions **If set-up well, proves one variable CAUSES a change in another variable 5.Can predict what will happen in specific situations If proven enough times = theory
Experiment Example Hypothesis: Sky blue room will improve test scores in Psychology Supported by sky blue = calm and calm = best test scores Previous research Independent Variable: color of the room & Dependent Variable: tests scores Design Random Sample & Random Assignment Experimental group: blue Control group: off-white Extra variables Results Average score of each room Significance?
Ethics in Psychology Theme #2 Doing Psychology the RIGHT way!
Theme #2: Ethics Ethics in Psychology : a code of moral principles that govern how the people and animals are treated in the pursuit of knowledge in psychology Ethics in Human Research Informed consent Protection from harm or discomfort Confidentiality Debriefing
Theme #2: Ethics Ethics in Animal Research Why do animal research to study psychology? Similarities between animals & humans Species develop faster – can study genetic effects easier Can use more control with animals Unethical procedures on humans may not be viewed the same with animals Federal law mandates: Clean housing, proper ventilation, & appropriate food & care for animals used in research
Theme #2: Ethics There have been many psychology studies that challenged ethical lines: Milgram’s obedience study (electric shock) The Monster Study was a stuttering experiment on 22 orphan children in Davenport, Iowa, in 1939 conducted by Wendell Johnson at the University of Iowa. Stanford Prison Experiment – 1971 Little Albert
Nature vs. Nurture Argument Theme #3
Nature vs. Nurture Argument Nature = genetics/heredity, Nurture = environment What are behaviors or parts of who we are that are influenced by genetics? What are behaviors or parts of who we are that are influenced by our environment? Who is somebody who has had a BIG impact on your life and why? Support your answer with specifics.
Nature Forces Heredity – traits/characteristics passed from parent to offspring genes – basic unit of heredity (made up of DNA) chromosomes – contain full set of genes (23 pair = 46 chromosomes) zygote – reproductive cell contains 1 gene from every pair male sperm (23 chromosomes) + female egg (23 chromosomes) = fertilized egg (46 chromosomes) offspring is a combination of traits from mother and father Charles Darwin – natural selection survival of the fittest – those with the best genetic make-up will be the most likely to survive species seek out the most desirable traits to ensure that the species continues to exist
Nature Forces Science genetic engineering taking control of natural selection being able to choose characteristics of offspring test tube babies stem cell research using genetic material from fetuses/newborns to create new organic material grow new organs or limbs repair damage to the body (paralysis) cloning – creating an exact replica genetic testing – being able to identify genetic problems (diseases, defects, etc.) can detect several defects and diseases in the womb
Nature Free Write Topics Would you want to know if your child has a genetic disorder/defect (dwarfism, deafness, blindness, down’s syndrome) and why? How would that knowledge affect your attitude about the birth of your child?
Nurture Forces Environment family peers media (including social media) community religion
Nurture Forces Parenting Style permissive – little or no control child left to regulate him/herself authoritarian – rigid & inflexible control parent(s) make nearly all decision authoritative – parent in-charge, but flexible dialogue between child and parent about rules and consequences
Nurture Free Write Topics Rank the environmental forces from most influential to the least influential. Identify your parents’ parenting style. Has it changed as you’ve gotten older? What type of parenting style would you use and why?
Assignments Use periodicals (magazines, newspapers, etc.) or internet resources to make a collage that represents the major influences that MEDIA has had on today’s youth (you!). The assignment can be done in any format you want (ex. Paper, Prezi, Word, iMovie, etc.) but it must be SCHOOL APPROPRIATE! Have fun with the assignment and it is due on Monday. Create a vocabulary page (to be continued throughout unit)