Health 2013 Mr. Vecchio
A disease spread from one living thing to another via the environment Infection-A condition when pathogens enter, multiply, and spread in the body Pathogen-Organism that causes disease
Viruses-genetic material surrounded by a protein Inactive by themselves Burst host cell/run course Bacteria-Single celled microorganisms Some are essential/many are harmless Some produce toxins (Treated with Antibiotics)
Fungi-Plant like organisms Athletes foot Protozoan-single celled that are larger/more complex than bacteria Malaria
Direct Contact Touching, kissing, sex, eyes, mouth, nose, Indirect Contact Contaminated objects (table, door handle) Vector-organism that transmits to humans/other animals ▪ Water/Food Airborne TB, flu, chicken pox
Disease not transmitted by a person, vector, or environment CVD Hypertension Atherosclerosis Angina Arrhythmia Congestive Heart Failure Stroke
Tumor- mass of tissue that has no body function Benign vs. Malignant Remission- symptoms respond to treatment Types of Cancer pg
Infectious diseases spread through sexual contact Epidemic- occurrence of disease where many people in the same place/time affected. 1 in 4 in U.S. have STD ABSTINENCE
Rampant for several reasons: Some have NO symptoms Birth control stop using condoms Developed strains that resist antibiotics Embarrassed to seek treatment
Sexually active with more than one partner Unprotected sex High Risk partners Alcohol/Drugs (25%)
Genital Warts 65 different strains Warts start localized and spread Symptoms: Warts
1/10 adolescent girls (46% of total infections) Caused by bacteria (treated and cured) “Silent Disease” Symptoms: Men- frequent urination, swollen scrotum, discharge Women- Discharge, abdominal pain, unusual bleeding
Bacterial STD affects mucous membranes Most common yrs old Symptoms: Men- Yellow discharge, fever, swelling testicles Woman- 80% no symptoms….burning/pain in urination, abnormal bleeding
Type 1- causes cold sores/Type 2- genital sores 20% of adolescent population affected Virus (HSV) Symptoms: Fever, muscle ache, fatigue, pain in abdomen
Antibiotics for most bacteria caused STD’s Info is private/confidential Social obligation to others
AIDS vs. HIV 5 th leading cause of death for year olds 40 million with HIV Pandemic- global outbreak as of 2002
Enters blood and invades T-cells Virus attaches to a healthy cell surface enters nucleus Virus makes a copy of genetic material new virus reassembles at cell surface New virus breaks away from host cell and spreads Virus count goes up, T cell count goes down
Blood, semen, sexual contact, breast milk Needle sharing Mother baby through umbilical cord
Asymptomatic- 6 months-10 years of no symptoms Symptomatic- weight loss, swollen glands, loss of memory
ELISA- tests for presence of antibodies in blood False negative results False positive results Western Blot Test Done as a last resort (100% accurate) Tests proteins from largest to smallest