FP 7 Theme 8 Socioeconomic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) Strengthen capability of SSH to contribute to development of ERA -European and comparative perspective -interdisciplinary cooperation -dissemination and valorisation plan
Call and instruments Collaborative projects - small or medium scale, focused projects M€ 0,5 – 1,5 -large scale integrating projects M€ 1,5 – 4 First call 22 December 2006 (M€ 58,5) Closing date 10 May 2007/29 November 2007
Activity 8.1 Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society: the European case Area Changing role of knowledge throughout the economy Topics Interactions between knowledge, economic growth and social well-being Intangible investments and innovation in Europe Impact of internationalisation on Europe’s research and innovation systems
Activity 8.1 Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society: the European case Area Structural changes in the European knowledge economy and society Topics Globalisation and its interaction with the European economy The implications of developments in the service economy for the European economy and society The role of finance in growth, employment and competitiveness in Europe
Activity 8.1 Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society: the European case Area Strengthening policy coherence and coordination in Europe Macroeconomic policy, its interactions and coordination with other policies
Activity 8.2 Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective: paths towards sustainable development Area Socio-economic development trajectories Topics Analysing, comparing and evaluating the various societal models in a medium- to longterm perspective The extent to which trade-offs or synergies exist between the different aspects of sustainable development Development and application of tools for the assessment of policies and socio-economic forecasting Socio-economic factors and actors that shape the post-carbon society
Activity 8.2 Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective: paths towards sustainable development Area Regional. Territorial and social cohesion Topics Regional development challenges in an evolving international context The impact of Common Agricultural Policy reforms on Europe’s rural economies Social platform on cities and social cohesion
Activity 8.3 Major trends in society and their implications Area Demographic changes Topics The impact of European demographic changes in Europe Determinants of birth rates across the European Union Migration Area Societal trends and lifestyles Topic Youth and social exclusion Area Cultural interactions in an international perspective Topic Cultural interactions and multiculturalism in European societies
Activity 8.4 Europe and the world Area Interactions and interdependencies between world regions and their implications Topics Europe’s role in global economic governance development paths in an historical and comparative perspective and their impacts on Europe’s economies and societies
Activity 8.4 Europe and the world Area Conflicts, peace and human rights Topics Conflicts and peace Articulation of the rule of law and protection of human rights at national, European and international levels Area Europe’s changing role in the world Topics Europe seen from outside Multilateralism and the new external relations of the European Union
Activity 8.5 The citizen in the European Union Area Participation and citizenship in Europe Topics Democratic ownership and participation Reassessing citizenship in the European Union Area Diversities and commonalities in Europe Topics Histories and Identities – Articulating national and European identities Creativity, culture and democracy
Activity 8.6 Socio-economic and scientific indicators Area/topic Current use of and emerging needs for indicators in policy Area/topic Improved ways of measuring both the potential for and impact of policies Area/topic Specific statistical issues Area/topic Ex post and ex ante impact analysis
Activity 8.7 Foresight activities Area/topic Blue sky research on emerging issues affecting European S&T Area/topic 8..5 Mutual learning and cooperation Activity 8.8 Strategic activities Area/topic 8.1 Emerging needs Area/topic 8.2 Horizontal measures to support international cooperation Area/topic 8.3 Measures to support dissemination of research Area/topic 8.4 Transnational cooperation among National Contact Points SSH
FP7 - Ideas European Research Council (ERC) - Responsive mode, scientific excellence as criterium - 5 panels in SSH > Starting Independent Researcher Grant - single principle investigator - k€ 100 – k€ 400 a year, max. 5 years years after PhD - 1st call deadline 1 April 2007 (M€289,5) > Advanced Investigator Grants call expected in 2007
FP7 - Capacities Infrastructure ESFRI-roadmap 35 projects, 3 in humanities - European Resource Observatory for the Humanities and Social Sciences (EROHS) - Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) - Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN)
FP7 - People > Marie Curie - mobility - training All FP7 information at information and help: national contact points
European Science Foundation (ESF) > Standing Committee for the Humanities > Networking programmes (a la carte) > EUROCORES – international peer review and selection - national funding - yearly open call > EURYI
COST > DC Individuals, Society, Culture and Health > networks > yearly open call
HERA Eranet Humanities in the European Research Area -15 national Research Councils in Humanities and ESF/SCH Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) is a network of national funding agencies and the ESF committed to: -leading and developing funding opportunities for humanities researchers in Europe, and -sharing excellence in research management practices and outcomes
HERA goals Inform – best practice Organise - lobby Strengthen – research and infrastructure Disseminate – humanities results
HERA work packages WP 1 Management and Coordination WP 2 Communication and Dissemination WP 3 Exchange of information- best practice WP 4 Impact and quality assessment in humanities research WP 5 HERA Conferences WP 6 Thematic reports WP 7 Research infrastructures WP 8 Coordination of parallel research programmes WP 9 Joint research programmes
HERA practical results WP2: Joint lobby for humanities interests in FP7 WP3: Best practices on Peer Review Best practices on Application Procedures WP4: Development of Quality and Impact assessment measures and procedures for the Humanities WP5: Conferences on Humanities Policy and Innovation (London,2005) Humanities Foresight (Helsinki, 2006) New technologies for Humanities (Tallinn, 2007)
HERA practical results (continued) WP6: Mapping of Humanities research themes and determining exciting future themes WP7: Survey of present infrastructures and infrastructural needs for the humanities and formulating strategic plans to realise them European Reference Index for the Humanities WP8: Best Practice on management of research programmes Exchange visits Cooperation/topping up of running programmes
HERA transnational programmes WP9: Legal barriers survey Design of a programme management structure and procedures for international cooperation Two Joint Research Programmes I. Creation of Europe on the Basis of Cultural Heritage and National Identities II. Humanities as a Source of Creativity and Innovation