Transforming lives through learning Building social outcomes for young people through inspection.
Transforming lives through learning The Scottish workshop will focus on: Current policy developments, changes to inspection and increasing recognition of the importance of social outcomes. Methods, findings and outcomes / consequences. The contribution partners make to developing social outcomes. Impact - examples of social outcomes in practice. Discussion.
Transforming lives through learning Inspection in Scotland Inspectors are civil servants. Appointed by royal charter. Since Education Scotland - education improvement agency Scrutiny and support role – not just inspection! Powers to inspect educational establishments set out in legislation. Not just schools - inspect across a range of education sectors. Moved from a generational cycle of inspection (where a school is inspected every six to seven years) to a sampling model. School’s own self-evaluation is starting point. Duration – 4/ 5 days.
Transforming lives through learning Curriculum for Excellence - a new approach to learning Learning throughout life Curriculum for Excellence aims to achieve a transformation in education in Scotland by providing a coherent, more flexible and enriched curriculum from 3 to 18. The curriculum includes the totality of experiences which are planned for children and young people through their education, wherever they are being educated. 4 capacities Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens Effective contributors
Transforming lives through learning Why change? Education system for the 21 st century Equipping young people to compete in a changing world Secondary sector change greatest “ We need a curriculum which will enable young people to understand the world they are living in, reach the highest levels possible of achievement, and equip them for work and learning throughout their lives.” Curriculum for Excellence 2007
Transforming lives through learning Social Outcomes Social outcomes are not specifically inspected. No dedicated inspection quality indicator. Safety is a focus. Young people are encouraged to be active and responsible citizens throughout their education journey. Promoting responsible citizenship is at the heart of major changes to curriculum. Aligns well with Scottish Government objectives to improve people’s life chances and build individual and community capacity. In and out of school young people are encouraged to contribute positively to society. “Education Working for All” (June 2014) connecting education and world of work.
Transforming lives through learning Methods / tools Questionnaires Safety, bullying, behaviour, care and respect Safeguarding / child protection pro-forma Completed by head teacher – policies, any known issues Focus groups of young people Safety, bullying, respect, leadership / citizenship, recognition of wider achievement Observations of practice Classroom observations (50 +)
Transforming lives through learning Findings Social Studies 3-18 paper (Education Scotland 2013) Children and young people are developing a range of knowledge understanding and skills in social studies. Quality and Improvement in Scottish Education (trends in inspection findings ) Young people are developing and applying enterprise, citizenship and leadership skills. School and learning community Inspection models (introduced 2008) Increased emphasis and recognition of the contribution partners can make to social outcomes.
Transforming lives through learning Outcomes of inspection At end of inspection 4 options (continuing engagement) No continuous engagement, additional support, further inspection, innovative practice visit. Consequences/Sanctions Further inspection, referral to Cabinet Secretary – possible closure. The Record of Inspection Findings (RIF) Inspectors share their evidence base – improvement aid. Post - inspection in Scotland All head teachers are invited to submit a questionnaire evaluating the effectiveness of the inspection.
Transforming lives through learning The role of partners Inspectors engage with a range of partner agencies (including local employers) around the following: Contribution / support by partners in delivery of wide range of accreditation awards in and out of school? How well do partners share young people’s outside achievement with the school? How does the school value and celebrate this achievement? How well are young people both in and out of school supported by youth workers to participate in decision making structures at both a local and national level? Examples What contribution do partners make in supporting young people to progress to positive destinations such as further /higher education, training or employment? Examples.
Transforming lives through learning Partners contributing to learning / impact? Youth workers Delivery of targeted social education programmes and accreditation awards in and out of school. E.g. Skillforce (Scotland), outdoor learning, radio stations, sports leadership. Youth democracy – local / national - student councils – Scottish Youth Parliament. Employment The “Edinburgh Guarantee” (public, private and voluntary sectors increase the number of jobs, education and training opportunities for young people) Giving partners a common aim to collaborate and create new opportunities for young learners based on local need. Industry specialists – challenges –Oil and Gas. (ROV challenge in Hawaii!) Volunteering Accredited volunteering opportunities for young people. Teaching ICT to older generations, supporting community sports groups.
Transforming lives through learning Learning Community model When a secondary school is being inspected a separate team of Community Learning and Development inspectors inspect the local community in terms of opportunities for young people, adults and communities. Focus is the impact on individuals and communities as a result of participating in community based youth work and adult learning programmes. Information gathered in learning community inspections is shared with school inspection teams. Creates a fuller picture of the young people and their abilities rather than just academic achievement within a school context. A publicly available learning community report is published at the same time as the school report.
Transforming lives through learning “True Colours” - promoting equality Set up by 2 young asylum seekers to address their negative experience. Good support from school. Giving young people a voice Campaigning for young people’s rights. Promoting positive race relations city wide. Picked up as good practice by inspectors. Impressed SICI working group!
Transforming lives through learning Youth Talk 13 – activities / facilities review Neighbourhood Partnership looking to improve local facilities based on views of young people. 2 High Schools involved. Young people recruited to conduct review – over 1500 views / opinions expressed. Meetings presented to key partners – improvement actions agreed. Picked up by CLD inspectors, shared with school.
Transforming lives through learning Discussion How does the Scottish model / approach differ from your own country? What do you like - not like? How might partner organisations help young people inside or outside school to develop positive social outcomes? How might schools / inspectors effectively capture this activity? Norwegian/Swedish/Scottish/Dutch approaches different goals, structures indicators same contents (more or less) and similarities in instruments 2. What are the main results / effects of these approaches? 3. Differences in outcomes and processes different models: output- or process-oriented 4. Feedback / reflection on different country-approaches & results
Transforming lives through learning Thank you!