1 Report Writing with Citation and documentation Business and Human Communication BUS-201 BRAC Institute of Languages BRAC University
2 Defining Reports Orderly and organized It has an objective It is a factual information It serves a business purpose
3 Types of Reports Daily Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Yearly / Annual
4 Types of Reports Short Report Less Formal Report Long Formal Report
5 Types of Reports Sales Report Human Resource (HR) Report Finance Report Internal Audit Report Marketing Report
6 Types of Short Reports Routine Operational Report Letter Reports reports Progress Reports Problem Solving Reports
Letters Reports Letter reports are in letter form They usually cover short problems They are usually written in personal style Most of them begin directly Subject lines are appropriate to begin them For example: page # 359 (Textbook) 7
Reports (Internal written messages) is widely used Most messages are written informally For example: Page # 362 (Textbook) Sample on page # 363 (Textbook) 8
9 Routine Operational Reports It is short and keeps others informed about company operations The form and content will vary depending on the company These reports should deliver the required information efficiently, clearly and on time For example: Page # 364 (Textbook)
10 Progress Reports These review progress on an activity Most are informal and narrative but some are formal With progress reports we want to emphasize the positive For example: Page # 364 (Textbook)
11 Problem-solving Reports These help decision makers choose a course of action These reports can be internal or external A special type of problem-solving report is a feasibility study Whether or not we should make a recommendation will depend on the situation For example: Page # 365 (Textbook)
12 Audit Reports These reports hold organizations accountable to certain standards The most common is the financial audit written by accounting firms Short financial audits follow a standardized format For example: Page # 366 (Textbook)
13 Meeting Minutes Meeting minutes are a common type of descriptive reports Minutes provides a written record of group’s activity Most are distributed by memo or but their layout varies among organizations For example: Page # 368 (textbook)
14 Long, Formal Reports Prepared for high-level executives These reports are important but not numerous in business Page # 369
15 Components of a Long, Formal Report Title Fly The title fly contains only the report title Construct title to make them describe the report precisely Uses: who, what, where, when, why and how Example: page # 377
16 Title Page The title page displays the title, identification of the writer and authorizer and the date For example: page # 378
17 Transmittal Message It is personal message from the writer to the reader It substitute for a face to face meeting Its main goal is to transmit the message In addition, it includes helpful comments about the reports. The close will goodwill For example: Page # 379
Table of contents & List of Illustrations It lists text headings appendix, figures, tables and page numbers Executive summary (summary of the report) For example: page # 380 (Textbook) 18
Executive Summary It can also be called synopsis, abstract, digest, epitome and precis It summarizes the report It includes the report purpose, highlights of the facts, analyses, conclusions, and recommendations For example: page # 381 (Textbook) 19
Report Proper (Introduction) It should prepare the readers It decides what to include, consider all the likely readers It undermines what those readers need to know For example: page #
Reading the report Let us sit in few groups and read the report with discussion among group members 21
Some sample topics for group assignments Sales Training Recommendations For Teletalk Sales Training Recommendations For Biman Bangladesh Airlines Sales Training Recommendations For Bangladesh Railway Computer Training Recommendations for Government Primary School Teachers 22
Group Assignment Let us sit in group and decide our topic of group assignment and distribute responsibilities Let us also decide a submission date for group assignment 23
Report writing with citation and References Thank You 24