Chapter 1 The Ancient Near East: The First Civilizations
Discussion Questions What were some of the key characteristics that separated homo sapiens sapiens from other early hominids? What were the reasons behind the Neolithic Revolution? What are the major characteristics of civilization?
“Before History” The time before writing develops Our knowledge of this period based solely on records of Archaeology/Anthropology Culture, biology, and fossils Use of Scientific Method
Excavation Site in Central America
“Dating Stuff” Figuring out the date is hard So how do we do it? Why do we do it? What are the benefits? Archaeologists/Anthro’s date prehistorical Radiocarbon dating 50,000 years effective Thermo-luminescence 200,000 years old DNA/Blood give us prehistorical information as well
The First Humans Hominids Australopithecines (3-4 million years ago; simple stone tools; limited to Africa) Homo Erectus (1.5 million years ago; larger, more varied tools; moves into Europe and Asia) Use of Fire Homo Sapiens (“wise human being”) (~250,000 ya) Neanderthals, (c. 100,000 – 30,000 years ago) Neander Valley in Germany, other parts of Europe and Middle East More advanced stone tools; burial of the dead Homo Sapiens Sapiens, (c. 200,000 B.C. – Present) “ Wise, wise human being” Replaced Neanderthals Spread throughout the world
The Spread of Homo Sapiens Sapiens ©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license.
The Hunter Gatherers of the Old Stone Age Paleolithic Age, (c. 2.5 million years ago – 10,000 years ago) – (Greek for Old Stone Age) Hunting and Gathering Nomadic Bands (20 – 30 people) Adaptation Division of Labor between men and women Discovery of Fire (c. 500,000 B.C.) Benefits of Fire? Ice Age (~100,000 to 10,000 B.C) Cultural Activities notably cave paintings
Hunter-Gather Cycle “Push-Pull” Food/Settle Drive out food/Move Find new food/settle Drive out food/move
“Factors of Migration” FoodShelter WarDisease
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Neolithic Revolution(c. 10,000 – 4000 B.C.) (aka, New Stone Age) Agricultural Revolution Systematic Agriculture Domestication What was domesticated? What effect could this change have on the social structure?
Neolithic farming villages Jericho (Bible) 8,000 B.C Catal Hujuk (6700 – 5700 B.C) Why would you want to build a village? You’re a nomad! Neolithic Revolution(c. 10,000 – 4000 B.C.) (aka, New Stone Age)
Reconstruction of Neolithic Farming house
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Skara Brae – Northern Scotland
Neolithic Revolution (10,000 – 4,000 B.C Analyze the causes for the rise of male superiority in Neolithic society Describe the basic elements of civilization and identify which element changed early human life and early human communities the most.
Neolithic Revolution (10,000 – 4,000 B.C Consequences of Neolithic Revolution Permanent Settlements (Çatal Hüyük) Trade Specialized division of Labor Improved Tools Domestication of Animals Development of Writing Use of Metals Copper + Tin = Bronze Bronze Age (c B.C. – c B.C.)
The Emergence of Civilization Six Characteristics of Civilization Urban Focus – Cities become very important Distinct Religious Structure (gods; priests) Political and Military Structures (bureaucracy; armies) Social Structure based on Economic Power Writing – Record Keeping Artistic and Intellectual Activity