Marketing Concepts
Marketing Defined Marketing is the total process of finding or creating a profitable market for specific goods or services. It is the planning and executing of the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.
Marketing is the connecting link or bridge between the producer and the consumer.
Marketing Functions Channel Management Marketing Information Management Market Planning Pricing Product/Service Management Promotion Selling
Customers: are those who buy or rent goods and services. Consumers: are those who use the goods and services. Products: Include goods and services. Goods are tangible Services are intangible
Market: Those who have the ability to purchase your products or services. Consumer Market: People who buy for personal use. Industrial market: (B2B) People buy for use in the business.
Marketplace An environment where we make exchanges Money for goods and services Work for wages Goods for goods
Target Market Group of people with similar characteristics. Example: Elderly people
Target Marketing When a business aims to attract a specific type of customer. Each company’s target market should be well defined.
Market Segmentation Dividing the total market into smaller groups that contain similar characteristics. These markets are called market segments.
Two ways to segment.. Psychographics: Statistics that try to explain consumer behavior through variables such as lifestyle, values and attitudes. Demographics: Vital statistics of human populations, broken down by factors such as age, gender, race, education, religion, income, occupation and geographic location.
Marketing Concept Determining customers’ needs and what the company can best provide at a profit. Involves both the seller and the buyer, both should obtain satisfaction from the transaction.
To succeed in business, managers must base their decisions on the needs and desires of consumers. Give Customers what they want!
Product What good or service can you provide to your customer at a profit.
Price What price will enable you to achieve the most profit without exceeding the customers value of the product?
Place Where should the product be made available? You want to accessible to the customer.
Promotion How will you let your customer know about your product?
For Profit Business: Seeks to make a profit from its operations. Non-Profit Business: Functions like a business but uses the money it makes to fund the cause identified in its charter. They do not pay taxes on their income. Ethics: Guidelines for good behavior.
The impact of marketing affects the economy and standard of living in countries around the world. Marketing provides competition. There are many economic benefits of marketing to an economy and to consumers.
Utilities are the attributes of goods or services that make them capable of satisfying consumers’ wants and needs.
Form Utility Form utility involves changing raw materials into usable goods or putting parts together to make them more useful.
Place Utility Place utility involves having a product where customers can buy it.
Possession Utility The exchange of a product for money is possession utility. Possession utility is involved every time legal ownership of a product changes hands.
Time Utility Time utility is having a product or service available at a certain time of year or a convenient time of day.
Information Utility Information utility involves communication with the consumer. Consumers get information from salespeople, labels, displays, packaging, and owners manuals.