IICWG VI Data, Information & Customer Support Standing Committee Report - Open Action Items for IICWG-7 Co-Chairs Florence Fetterer & Ari Seina
Data, Information & Custom Support Committee Carry-over Action Items DC 3.3: Coordinate the development of the IICWG web page, coordinate development or collection of content for the page and make recommendations for the development of national training page if appropriate. Responsible: P. Seymor. Target Date: Status: OPEN A draft IICWG Training Page ( posts Ice Analyst and Forecaster requirements from CIS and the Ice Analyst Qualification document from the NIC. Mr. Seymour proposes that the committee develop a set of virtual requirements for Ice Analysts similar to what we are doing for sea ice mapping systems. When we have a list of requirements that everyone supports, we can then start to address them with best practices. IICWG-6: Training should be taken into account in the strategic planning group.
DC 5.2 (IICWG-5 Action Item 5.5): DICSC in consultation with the ASRSC will develop a document articulate their analysis and forecasting requirements to be used to promote the next science Workshop. Responsible: F. Fetterer, A. Seina. Target Date: April, 2006 Status: OPEN Task was to find out what kind of talks are needed in the Science Workshop to make it work better for operational ice centres, and attract more transitions to operations –type talks. IICWG-6: DICSC provide specific input what should be presentad in IICWG-7 Science Workshop Data, Information & Custom Support Committee Carry-over Action Items
DC 6.1.1: Interoperable Data Formats Clearly define the objective of developing common data base i.e. seamless customer support vs. ice service interoperability: Complete final version of the Ice Objects Catalogue –editorial changes –correct references –review for consistency with Sea Ice Nomenclature and SIGRID-3 Responsible: P. Seymour and Vasily Smoliantsky. Target Date: April, 2006 Status: NEW
Data, Information & Custom Support Committee Carry-over Action Items DC 6.1.2: Interoperable Data Formats Clearly define the objective of developing common data base i.e. seamless customer support vs. ice service interoperability: Survey/questionnaire to Ice Services to determine common denominator –What is the current capability for inter-operability? Responsible: J. Falkingham. Target Date: April, 2006 Status: NEW
Data, Information & Custom Support Committee Carry-over Action Items DC 6.1.3: Interoperable Data Formats Clearly define the objective of developing common data base i.e. seamless customer support vs. ice service interoperability: Establish formal relationships Letter of liaison from JCOMM co-presidents to IHO (Technical, CHRIS) (1 March 2006) Letter of liaison from JCOMM ETSI chair Vasily Smolyanitsky to ISO TSMAD chair, Mike Brown (before 7-11 November 2005) Letter of liaison from JCOMM co-president to ISO Chair to expand existing WMO liaison domain to include sea ice (15 May 2006) Responsible: IICWG co-chairs & ETSI chair. Target Date: April, 2006 Status: NEW
Data, Information & Custom Support Committee Carry-over Action Items DC 6.1.4: Interoperable Data Formats Clearly define the objective of developing common data base i.e. seamless customer support vs. ice service interoperability: Standardize the SIGRID3 implementation among ice centres ISO standard for metadata ISO standard for metadata Complete metadata definition for sea ice Complete metadata definition for sea ice Investigate relations with MarineXML (JCOMM ETMDP) Investigate relations with MarineXML (JCOMM ETMDP) ISO standard for imagery ISO standard for imagery No need to define standards for imagery but must define what standards we shall employ at user level No need to define standards for imagery but must define what standards we shall employ at user level possible solution is to follow IHO possible solution is to follow IHO Presentation content Presentation content Recommend default presentation in isolation Recommend default presentation in isolation WMO Nomenclature, Colour standard for Ice Charts WMO Nomenclature, Colour standard for Ice Charts Responsible: J. Falkingham, P. Seymour and IICWG co-chairs. Target Date: IICWG-7 Status: NEW. Provide an action plan for longer period