CPRE’s Vision for the Countryside
- Protecting the countryside and improving it - The countryside HAS improved - CPRE does not share the pervading pessimism - This is our vision… Introduction
- More beautiful, more tranquil, more varied - Economic development no longer an end in itself - New focus on quality of life - People everywhere live much greener lives Changing attitudes There is a new focus on quality of life, embracing beauty, local character and the enjoyment of green, open spaces.
Green energy
A variety of landscapes
New buildings in harmony
Stop the Drop
Litter education
The people’s playground
A different society
Low carbon communities
Better planning - Successful urban regeneration - More Green Belt - better protected - Democratic planning system - Environmental protection is key Successful urban regeneration has been crucial in protecting the countryside.
Houses as homes, not investments
Green Belts
Democratic planning
Local planning
New life in the countryside - More people live in, work in and visit the countryside - Diverse communities and affordable homes - Improved access to local services - Health and spiritual benefits for all People walk and cycle more, and there has been a revival of rural railways.
Rural services
Food and farming - More local food - Farmers are valued and prosper - More farm animals are reared outside - Wild flowers, birds, insects and mammals return Wild flowers, birds, insects and mammals have returned in a rush of sights, sounds and smells.
Local food
Green farming
Changing landscapes - More woodland, rich in wildlife - Green corridors and new wetlands - Better management of our coastline - Less light pollution and more truly dark skies Some remote upland areas have been deliberately left to nature, becoming wilder in character.
Coasts and English holidays
Green energy - Helping people and wildlife adapt to climate change - Energy efficient rural buildings - Small-scale renewables - Green energy developments sensitive to landscape Rural buildings are more energy efficient and small-scale renewables are common.
Energy in the landscape
Flood protection
A virtuous circle - Consensus on vital importance of finite countryside - Well-planned and sensitive development can improve rural areas - Countryside improves, so people care for it more, and so it improves further - Countryside valued and enjoyed by all as a huge national asset The countryside is valued and enjoyed by all as a huge national asset.
Staying positive
Tackling climate change
Do you share our vision and want to help us make it a reality?