Resource Management Associates
Goals & Objectives Understand how relational leadership creates a culture of high quality workplace effectiveness Gain knowledge of quality customer service essential skills and characteristics and how to apply them Identify effective methods of communication for phone, , and face-to-face correspondence Establish the importance of building relationships with customers Identify important presentation and training skills and practices
Customer ServiceCommunication RelationshipsTraining & Support Culture of High Quality Service
Quality Customer Service
Quality Customer Service?
Think about a time when you had great customer service and a time when you had bad customer service Identify 2-3 things that stood out to you in each situation Reflect on the video and your examples. Discuss your thoughts with your table partners.
Customers Expect.. be respected be listened to & heard get the right answer OR assisted in finding the right person get a timely response
Belief vs. Perception 8 % of customers think the same companies deliver “Superior” customer service. 80 % of companies believe they deliver “Superior” customer service…
Common Customer Service Mistakes 1.Insinuating that the customer caused the problem or asking the customer to do too much to fix it 2.Giving an impatient person inaccurate information in attempt to end the call or interaction 3.Making customers feel as though their request for help is a burden 4.Making customers wait too long for answers to their questions or concerns 5.Telling customers that somebody will follow up with them and then failing to make sure the follow-up actually happens 6.Blaming co-workers or others for the customer’s problems.
Modes of Communication Communicate Body Language WritingVisualImageSpeaking
Active Listening Involves concentration and energy Involves psychological connection with speaker Includes willingness to try and see things from another’s perspective Verbal Paying attention to the words and feelings that are being expressed Body awareness through the use of gestures and responsive expressions Non-Verbal Giving full physical attention to the speaker Being aware of the speaker’s nonverbal messages Components of Effective Communication
Faster rate of speech may indicate anger or impatience Slower rate of speech may indicate fatigue or disinterest Average rate of speech should be between words per minute Rate of Speech 85% of verbal communication happens through our tone and attitude Energy portrays a service attitude Confidence portrays care for the customer Tone Be clear and concise to avoid misunderstandings Ensure proper sentence formation with correct tense and grammar, it makes you more confident Stay positive in your word choices Choice of words Components of Effective Communication
Positive Phrasing Practice In table groups, review the phrases listed and rewrite 2-3 using positive phrasing. Then, come up with one other common customer service phrases which are not positive and rewrite to make it more positive. Be prepared to share. Phrases: We don’t do that I don’t have time I can’t help you You should have Good luck
Communication Best Practices: Be concise and to the point Answer all questions and pre-empt further questions Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation Personally address the recipient Do not write in CAPITALS Don’t leave out the message thread Read over before you send Do not overuse “Reply to All” Remember – It is public record Activity: In pairs, read through the communication. One person will mark up the text with how you would respond differently if you were Scott and the other person if you were Jenny.
Phone Etiquette Know/understand your responsibilities Treat every call as important Greeting/Salutation (e.g., “Good Morning”) Department/Worksite Name Your name Offer assistance Identify the caller Listen FIRST Speak respectfully
The Personal Connection
Reflection Think about a time that stands out to you as a high point when someone made you feel special. What did they say or do to make you feel that way? How does this bring out the best in you? 1.Take a minute to individually think about this prompt. 2.Discuss with other people at your table. 3.Think about the common themes and how they relate to relational leadership.
Components of Relational Leadership and Service Inclusive: Values differences, fairness, and equity Empowering: Concerns are with the growth of others and willingly shares helpful information Ethical: Acts with a high standard of behavior for each person that helps everyone Process: Understands the high quality effort involves collaboration and reflection
Building Customer Relationships Be professional Offer a sincere smile Address customer by name Listen without interruption Give more than what is expected Make it happen Express genuine gratitude Follow up as necessary
How do I build Relationships with Frustrated Customers? Listen fully to what the customer has to say – only then are you able to provide possible solutions Speak in a calming voice – softly and deliberately Empathize with the customer – acknowledge their feelings; show that you care Focus on the problem not the person – avoid “you” statements This is not about you – do not take comments personally You are the Service Professional – be patient and remain in control of the conversation
Effective PD Coherence Content Focus Duration Collective Participation Active Learning Critical Components of Effective Professional Development How is this training connected to school goals? How does this training support student learning? How much time will this training take? How much time do I have? How will this training promote interaction and discussion? What will participants do during the training?
Communication Relationships Training & Support Culture of High Quality Service
Servant Leadership Servanthood is the attitude that places the needs of others above us. Those with the servanthood attitude will be asking themselves, “What can I do to make the people around me successful?” Stewardship is the managing of resources and information in order to maximize the potential of these resources and information for the benefit of others.
Essentials of Servant Leadership Everyone in the system has skills, knowledge and expertise that can benefit others We are all customers at some point in time It may not be my problem but it is my responsibility Effective communication makes everyone’s job easier Every contact is a chance to help someone else We all expect quality service wherever we are Servant leaders are devoted to serving the needs of the organization’s community
Definition A relational process of people together attempting to accomplish change or make a difference to benefit the common good Philosophy Values being ethical and inclusive Acknowledging of diverse talents of group members and trust the process to bring good thinking to the benefit of the group and those they are serving
1.Briefly read the article. 1.Select 2-3 customer service skills you feel are your strengths. 1.Select 2-3 customer service skills you would like to work on. 1.At your table, discuss any elements you found critical within the article.
During the video record notes and observations on the Customer Service Video Analysis document. After viewing the videos, you will discuss your thoughts with your table members.
Functional Attributes Vision Honesty Integrity Trust Service Modeling Pioneering Appreciation Empowering Accompanying Attributes Communication Credibility Competence Stewardship Visibility Influence Listening Encouragement Teaching Service Attributes
Quality Customer Care Customer Service is really about Customer Empathy Quality service is RESPONSIVE TO NEEDS TIMELY ACCURATE COMPLETE