Exercise Neptune Findings Gas Customer Forum 29 th January 2007 Jacky Carroll Network Manager Emergency Planning Gas National Control Centre.


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Presentation transcript:

Exercise Neptune Findings Gas Customer Forum 29 th January 2007 Jacky Carroll Network Manager Emergency Planning Gas National Control Centre

Exercise Neptune  NEC emergency exercise held 6 th and 7 th September 2006  Scenario involved sudden loss of supplies resulting in immediate declaration of a stage 3 emergency requiring emergency interruption and firm load shedding of VLDMCs and >25,000 tpa sites  Additional supply losses on the second day required escalation to stage 4 and isolation in all secondary systems  The DTi tested upstream process on day one including situation reports and downstream process on day two, investigating mutual aid options.  Exercise Neptune successfully tested emergency arrangements across industry  HSE have published the Neptune report

Supply side response  Communications with the DTi JRT and upstream suppliers tested as part of a full exercise  Information exchange with storage sites and procedures to maximise deliveries of gas to the NTS were tested  Stock availability and deliverability information exchange with the Isle of Grain fully tested  Communications generally worked well and upstream industry were able to provide the required information. Areas for improvement have been identified and are being actioned

Emergency interruption and firm load shedding Performance of emergency interruption by shippers remained variable, the NEC and HSE have written to some shippers to discuss performance

Firm load shedding > 25,000 tpa sites  Firm load shedding of DN load showed an increase in sites who could turn off gas (36% - 43%) however the number of sites who could not turn off gas remains disappointingly high  There was a slight decrease in sites that could be contacted (68% - 66%) compared to exercise Moscow

Cannot Contact Site

Sites Contacted and Can Turn Off Gas Exercise Neptune % Successful Contacts Who Can Turn Off Gas by LDZ (loads >25,000 tpa) 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% 45.0% 50.0% 55.0% SC SO SENE NO SWWSWNNW EA EM WM NT Neptune AveMoscow Ave LDZs No. of sites

Cannot Contact Site

Sites Contacted and Can Turn Off

Isolation  During the second day of the exercise the supply position worsened considerably and all networks were asked to isolate in each LDZ  Isolation times showed a considerable improvement over those during exercise Moscow, reflecting the work done over the summer to review isolation plans.

Conclusion ♦ The Neptune report captures recommendations highlighted by the exercise. The NEC Safety Case Forum has been set up to capture safety case changes and will progress actions ♦ Upstream communications were effective ♦ There has been no significant increase in the quality of contact details for > 25,000 tpa sites and the ability of sites to turn off gas remains disappointing. Further improvement is needed in this area.  Results show a slight increase in the ability of > 25,000 tpa sites to turn off gas supplies compared to last year’s exercise  Isolation Plans showed considerable improvement

Exercise Neptune Findings Gas Customer Forum 29 th January 2007 Jacky Carroll Network Manager Emergency Planning Gas National Control Centre