STAGE TWO Business Analysis
Marketing Strategy The Product Positioning This refers to place a product or service has in the customers’ minds with regards to other competitors in the market. The restaurant will ensure that the quality of our fast foods is embedded into their minds, and our brand eventually sells for itself through the quality of foods and services offered.
Cont’ The Pricing Strategy The prices of our products will be selected according to the prices of the ingredients used in making them. However, the organization shall strive to ensure an affordable price which will still allow it to make profits for the restaurants. The company shall set a reasonable markup which will ensure a good profit margin.
Cont’ The Location and Distribution Strategy The locations of its selling points will be very strategic to ensure accessibility by our clients and suppliers. The location will be near target customers that are areas that are very busy and densely populated to ensure a readily available market. The main distribution strategy will be direct selling or using home and office delivery using our own employees.
Cont’ The Promotional Strategy The company uses electronic and paper media advertising to promote our restaurant. Other promotional strategies include use of social media. The direct approach will ensure that many questions are answered to the clients’ satisfaction.
Human Resource Approaches Compensation The first thing is that for the outstanding performers, they will always get the greatest rewards meant to acknowledge their great contributions as well as to motivate and encourage them so that they can continue performing highly (Crawford, 2008).
Cont’ The second thing is that for the average performers. they will always get substantially smaller salary raises. These bonuses are meant to encourage these workers to work harder to achieve bigger salary increment in the future.
Cont’ Lastly, for the poor performers, what they normally get is no increase. The reason for this is to persuade them to do something that can improve their performance. Next term, these poor performers will be striving hard so that they can also get some pay rise hence bringing success to the company.
Cont’ Recruitment The selection of the employees who will work for the company will be done meticulously. One of the factors that will be considered is experience. Experienced employees will be given a priority. The other factor to be considered is education. In this case, the employees to be recruited should have enough and required skills for the job.
Comparison with the Industry The Fast Food Industry is a very competitive industry with many people selling and buying different types of fast foods. The foods include burgers, fries, sandwiches, sweets, cakes among others. There are many people who are fond of using fast foods as they are easily available and quite affordable.
Cont’ Fast foods are popular amongst children, teenagers, youth as well as the working class community. The fast food industry is rapidly growing, and its future looks even brighter. Many entrepreneurs and sales persons coming up with creative ideas to maintain customers and attract new ones.
Cont’ Competitors Analysis There are many fast foods restaurants across the region with some being quite old. Therefore, they have a reputation that they have built across the years. There are also new entrants in the market who are also quite aggressive and doing their best to make it in the tough market.
Cont’ However, despite all the competition there is still room for growth and success in the market. The organization gets into the market with fresh ideas that will ensure its success over a long period of time. The fresh ideas of providing exceptional services to our clients will be our benchmark (Glen, 1975).
References Glen L. U, (1975). Perceptor: A Model for Product Positioning. Journal of Management Science, Vol. 21, No. 8, Application Series, pp Karadeniz, M. (2009). Product positioning strategy in marketing management. Journal of Naval Science and Engineering. Vol. 5, No 2, pp Waldman, M. & Gibbons, R. (1999). A Theory of Wage and Promotion Dynamics Inside Firms. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114, (4): , (4 Weber, C.L. & Rynes, S.L. (1991).Effects of Compensation Strategy on Job Pay DecisionsThe Academy of Management JournalVol. 34, No. 1 (Mar., 1991), pp