Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility LBNF LBNF Beamline Project Status and Plans Forward Vaia Papadimitriou LBNF Beamline Manager DUNE Collaboration Meeting January 13, 2016
LBNF Outline Status of Beamline reference design Priorities and efforts within FY16 and FY17 Status of alternative design for target chase gas atmosphere Effort required for alternative horn design Beamline schedule and timing for decisions points for changes to the reference design Integration of collaboration groups who come to work on the beamline into the Beamline Project Team Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans
LBNF Beamline Facility contained within Fermilab property ~ 21,000 m 2 4 Beamline for a new Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility MI-10 Extraction, Shallow Beam Constructed in Open Cut Constructed as Tunneled excavation Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans All systems designed for 1.2 MW initial proton beam power (PIP-II). Facility is upgradeable to 2.4 MW proton beam power (PIP-III). Primary beam designed to transport high intensity protons ( GeV) to the LBNF target
LBNF 4 The LBNF Primary Beam will transport GeV protons from MI-10 to the LBNF target to create a neutrino beam. The beam lattice points to 79 conventional magnets (25 dipoles, 21 quadrupoles, 23 correctors, 6 kickers, 3 Lambertsons and 1 C magnet). (See CDR: Volume 3 and Annex 3A)Volume 3Annex 3A Beam size at target tunable between mm MI-10 Embankment Primary Beam Magnets 3D model of the Primary proton beamline Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans The dipole and corrector magnets are assumed to be non-DOE contributions. Drawings complete and released. In Dec. 2015, Chinese colleagues (IHEP) expressed serious interest in the prototyping and mass production of the correctors. First meeting in January Kicker prototype to be constructed at FNAL within FY16 (POs in place).
LBNF Target Hall/Decay Pipe Layout 5 DECAY PIPE SNOUT DECAY PIPE UPSTREAM WINDOW WORK CELL 50 TON CRANE Decay Pipe: 194 m long, 4 m in diameter, double – wall carbon steel, helium filled, air-cooled. Target Chase: 2.2 m/2.0 m wide, 34.3 m long air- filled and air & water-cooled (cooling panels). Sufficiently big to fit in alternative target/horns. Cooling panels Beam 5.6 m Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans ~ 40% of beam power in target chase ~ 30% of beam power in decay pipe Main alternatives for gas atmosphere: N 2 or He
LBNF 6 Hadron Absorber Absorber Hall and Service Building The Absorber is designed for 2.4 MW ~ 30% of beam power in Absorber 515 kW in central core 225 kw in steel shielding Core blocks replaceable (each 1 ft thick) Beam Muon Shielding (steel) Beam Muon Alcove Sculpted Al (9) Hadron Monitor Absorber Cooling Core: water-cooled Shielding: forced air-cooled Flexible, modular design
LBNF MW target and horns inside the target chase mm 47 graphite target segments, each 2 cm long Target cross section Inner Conductor of NuMI Horn Operated at 230 kA for LBNF Strong R&D program in place NuMI-like (low energy) target and horns with modest modifications Two interaction lengths, 95 cm Target starts 45 cm upstream of MCZERO New Horn power supply needed to reduce the pulse width to 0.8 ms. 0.2 mm spacing in between
LBNF Since January 2015, 1.2 MW reference target design puts some material in hole between target and baffle (but not credited in FEA for Absorber) 1 st few fins are larger diameter (26 mm) than baffle hole (17 mm) This doubles the scattering for worst-case accident of beam missing fin, reducing central proton flux at absorber over cases presented Increasing size of 1 st few fins will not affect pion production Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans
LBNF 9 Mitigation of the Peak at Normal Operation Adding graphite spoiler/wings at the target upstream with diameter equal to baffle ID (= 1.3cm) spanning over ~3 segments. 6-cm long wings ensure two-fold reduction of the peak proton flux. Provides an additional factor of two safety margin for the current Absorber core design. Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans
LBNF Conclusions of the CD-1 Refresh Review - Beamline Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Effort & Plans
LBNF Priorities (and progress) for FY16 and FY17 I Since we are pausing work for a year or two in some areas, non-negligible effort was required to document well previous work– technical notes/drawings. DONE In the context of evaluating more completely the consequences of a longer chase/shorter decay pipe to the overall Beamline/CF design and in enabling a decision on the target chase atmosphere: Completion of the Corrosion Working Group effort (Ozone, Nitric Acid production, NuMI measurements and comparisons with MARS, extrapolation to LBNF – contract with ESI). In progress Repeating the air-release calculations for the larger target chase which is now the default. In progress First order structural analysis of the Decay Pipe. In progress Provide engineering support in the evaluation of more optimized targets and horns as the collaboration continues the physics optimization effort. In progress Up to 30% FTE available within FY16 at this point. Trying to find ways to increase it modestly. Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans
LBNF MARS and FEA work on the decay pipe snout (in the end of which we have the upstream decay pipe window) so that we can select the material and decide on how we will cool the snout. Barely started Bringing the mechanical design of the air cooling of the absorber outer shielding at the advanced conceptual design level so that we can understand in more detail the overall shielding we will need. DONE Finish with target R&D commitments. (Working with RAL/CERN; HiRadMat single pulse data taking completed in Sept. 2015). In progress Obtaining Blue Block shielding. In progress Constructing a Kicker magnet prototype. In progress Testing a stopped muon counter prototype at NuMI (late Spring 2016) as well as muon flux diamond detectors. To start in the spring 2016 Priorities (and progress) for FY16 and FY17 Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans
LBNF Cooling gas selection for target chase - alternative There are a few studies in progress that could eventually affect which gas is selected for use in the target pile cooling system (the reference design assumes air): (1) LBNF Corrosion Working Group studies Airborne corrosive chemicals (ozone, nitric acid, NxOx) are being measured at NuMI Could motivate reduction/elimination of Oxygen (2) LBNF Air Releases to the Atmosphere Air-born radioisotopes (Ar-41, C-11, /N-13, O-15) Could motivate reduction/elimination of Argon Nitrogen or Helium are possible alternatives (3) High level study in progress for using Nitrogen (4) Investigative work begun for using Helium 13Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans
LBNF Ozone Equilibrium Measurements versus Model for NuMI 1/6/ Leak time constant dependence Data Analysis by Jim Hylen Nov-Dec 2015 have been running kW beam power Ozone has been around 7 to 10 ppm Model predicts 18 ppm at 300 kW Corresponds to 300 kW Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans Model by ESI
LBNF Measurement of 41 Ar from chase air at NuMI in support of LBNF design Measured 41 Ar in sample chamber Conservative projection is 2.5% of estimate of 11 C and 13 N using cross section and Monte Carlo hadron flux above 30 MeV (more typical measured at FNAL is 1%) MARS15 (MC with low energy neutrons) 41 Ar/cc/POT Fit NuMI data 1.98E-12 Standard conservative projection 6.85E-12 Ratio to Data 3.46 MARS E-12 Ratio to Data 0.55 P. Kasper, I. Rakhno, K. Vaziri Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans17
LBNF 16 Will need to reduce the leak rate by a couple of orders of magnitude and we need a better sealed system. We need: Edep into the concrete and FEA. Stainless steel liner of the concrete bathtub. Upgraded, air-sealed hatch covers. Sealing around the air-system (ductwork, air-handler, etc.) Upgraded condensate system. Larger Target Hall building space to allow for hatch cover seal. Better sealing at penetrations (horn striplines, utilities, etc.) Nitrogen filling and monitoring (instrumentation, etc.) ODH considerations. Air cooling of bathtub concrete for thermal stability (if needed). Target Chase Gas Atmosphere – N 2 Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans $8.5 M in BCWS Of this, ~ $7.2 M goes to the larger building, the SS liner and the possibly needed air-cooling of concrete bath tab
LBNF 17 Absorber shielding cooling FEA for surface and middle block temperatures of the shielding Air-forced cooling of absorber seems to work well. Tech Board meeting this month. A. Desphande, J. Hylen, V. Sidorov, S. Tariq Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans
LBNF 18Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans Blue Blocks (target pile steel shielding) started arriving at FNAL in December 2015 Length: ~52.5 in Width: ~52.5 in Height: ~26.5 in Weight: ~ 19,000 pounds Radioactivity: ~ 50,000 counts above background blocks received so far at FNAL out of the 100 we bought. Shipping started in December 2015.
LBNF 19 Assuming three horns: Energy deposition (MARS): Depending on the details of the horn it will take 1-4 (assume 3) weeks per horn to implement the geometry. Then need to setup, run and extract the results. It will require about 2 months the extract results for all three horns. Total: 680 hours. Horn optimization – 3 horns – pre-conceptual design: Similarly for one horn: ~ 800 hours For advanced conceptual design add ~ 1200 hours for 3 horns. Effort required for alternative horn design Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans D. Reitzner, C. Crowley ~ 1900 hours
LBNF LBNF at the Near Site - Schedule Summary Overview 20 FY27 FY26FY25FY24FY23FY22FY21FY20FY19FY18FY17 FY16 FY15 Primary Beam Enclosure Settlement Period Target Hall Absorber Hall Decay Pipe Beamline Checkout Period Beamline Design Embankment Construction CF Preliminary & Final Design Primary Beam Enclosure Beneficial Occupancy Dec-19 CD-2/3c Project Baseline/ Construction Approval Nov-15 CD-1 Refresh Approval Apr-27 CD-4b (early completion) Target Hall Beneficial Occupancy Conventional Facilities Construction Complete Near Detector Hall Beneficial Occupancy Jan-19 CD-3b Approval Absorber Hall Beneficial Occupancy Beamline Activity (DOE) Conventional Facilities Activity (DOE) Extraction Enclosure Near Detector Hall Beamline Activity (DOE and Non-DOE) Beamline Complete The longest path is: embankment design/construction/settlement; TH construction and inst. of components in TH; beamline checkout Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans
LBNF FY27 FY26FY25FY24FY23FY22FY21FY20FY19FY18FY17 FY16 21 Beamline Summary Schedule Extraction Enclosure (Long Shut Down) FY15 Primary Beam Enclosure Beamline Component Procurement/Assembly Beamline Design - Ready for CD-2 Beamline R&D Complete Dec-19 CD-2/3c Project Baseline/ Construction Approval Nov-15 CD-1 Refresh Approval Apr-27 CD-4b (early completion) Beamline Design Revival Target Hall Beneficial Occupancy Beamline Technical Component Installation Complete Absorber Hall Beneficial Occupancy Extraction Enclosure Beneficial Occupancy Primary Beam Enclosure Beneficial Occupancy Magnets Horns Target Shield Pile Disassemble MI Components Conventional Construction Install New / Existing Components Upstream of Shield Wall - completed during long shut down Downstream of Shield Wall Beamline Final Design Beamline KPP Met Includes some Non-DOE scope Target Hall Beamline Checkout Period Install Target Shield Pile Mechanical and Electrical Rough-in Install Horn 1 & 2 and initial Power-up Absorber Component Installation Remote Handling Commissioning Mechanical and Electrical Rough-in Remote Handling Commissioning Start MI Long Shut down MI Long Shut down complete The longest path is: embankment design/construction/settlement; TH construction and inst. of components in TH; beamline checkout See next slide Absorber Hall Over 3,000 schedule activities Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans
LBNF Beamline Design to CD-2/3 approval at end of Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans Engage EFIG in the early stages of decision process
LBNF Integration into the Beamline Project Team 23 Collaboration groups that work on Beamline issues are more than welcome into the Beamline Project Team and should certainly become part of it. I expect that they will naturally participate in the leadership of the areas they are working on ( example of current leadership in Muon Systems) and, if they are willing to, have even broader leadership responsibilities within the Beamline Project. Project management: Earned value system for DOE scope and milestones for partners. (Schedule activities will be replaced by milestones for the non-DOE scope). Accounting: Adopted “core” costing for international partners Contingency: No DOE contingency on non-DOE contributions Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans
LBNF Conclusion 24 Advanced conceptual design available for the LBNF Beamline. Recommendation to continue optimizing targets and horns (we increased the target chase size as a first step). Generation I or generation II? We would like it to be generation I. Considerable effort on beam optimization in progress. Additional talent and effort from the collaboration at large very much needed. With available funding right now in the Beamline we have up to 30% FTE dedicated to the target/horn optimization and design. Need to take decisions on alternative/optimized options very soon since in October 2017 we need to start working on a definite preliminary design Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans
LBNF Backup 25
LBNF 800 MeV SC Linac 20 Hz CD-0 review in June Proton Improvement Plan – II (PIP-II) provisional Site Layout Expected Beam Power: 1.2 MW for 120 GeV p PIP-III PIP-II Expected Beam Power: ~ 2.4 MW for 120 GeV p bin/RetrieveFile?docid=1295http://projectx-docdb.fnal.gov/cgi- bin/RetrieveFile?docid=1295, 2 June 2014, P. Derwent, S. Holmes, I. Kourbanis, V. Lebedev Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Projects Status & Plans (Replacing existing 400 MeV Linac) More from E. Prebys in this session
LBNF PIP/PIP-II Performance Goals 27 Performance ParameterPIPPIP-II Linac Beam Energy400800MeV Linac Beam Current252mA Linac Beam Pulse Length msec Linac Pulse Repetition Rate1520Hz Linac Beam Power to Booster413kW Linac Beam Power Capability Duty Factor)4~200kW Mu2e Upgrade Potential (800 MeV)NA>100kW Booster Protons per Pulse4.2× ×10 12 Booster Pulse Repetition Rate1520Hz Booster Beam 8 GeV80160kW Beam Power to 8 GeV Program (max)3280kW Main Injector Protons per Pulse4.9× ×10 13 Main Injector Cycle 120 GeV sec LBNF Beam 120 GeV0.71.2MW LBNF Upgrade GeVNA>2MW
LBNF 28 Pulse duration: 10 s Summary of key Beamline design parameters for ≤ 1.2 MW and ≤ 2.4 MW operation LBNF Beam Operating Parameters (1.1 – 1.9)x10 21 POT/yr Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Projects Status & Plans
LBNF Target chase allows for optimized focusing systems 29 Reference Design Target Chase indicating the positions of the reference design horns (in red) and the optimized horns (in blue) 5.5 m 1.3 m Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Projects Status & Plans NuMI-like 80 GeV protons More from L. Fields
LBNF Rough overview of corrosives studies For Ozone We are in reasonable range of sensor, as estimated from ESI model To first order, proportional to beam power Change from Viton to Teflon sample tube: small to none – But Teflon to Viton change 20%? Need to investigate further Saw horn-on to horn-off change – in direction suggested by MARS In few hour humidity change, did not see much effect of humidity Modest Spring/Fall difference seen, – Perhaps thicker horn 1 outer conductor? – Or possibly addition of humidity monitor or change in gas sample flow …? For Nitric Acid Sensor is at lower limit of its range – so not stable; small relative to ESI model Possible action items: – Measure Nitric in condensate (took sample before but lab never measured it) Most of nitric might be cleaned out by dehumidifier? – Order nitric sensor with lower range, to take data as we go to 700 kw ? 1/6/
LBNF 31Vaia Papadimitriou | Beamline Project Status & Plans Beamline Muon Detectors in Muon Alcove Scope added to the LBNF Beamline in October 2015