Specific Features of the EU Court System Florence Giorgi
Today's Topics 1.What the ECJ is and what it does 2.The variety of its case law 3.How it works 4.Its multilingual character 5.The Advocate General
1. The ECJ
The ECJ as an EU Institution and the ECJ as a Court
Historical Perspective
Some Basic Facts on the ECJ Its seat Its composition How its members are chosen
2. The work of the ECJ
What’s this (C-524/11)? A blanket? An item of clothing?
Is being the son of your father a sufficient reason to freeze your funds (C-376/10P) ?
Brussels versus Strasbourg
3. How the ECJ works
Main Types of Proceedings Action for failure to fulfil obligations Action for annulment Action for failure to act Reference for preliminary ruling
Standard Procedure
Special Procedures Expedited procedure Urgent preliminary rulings (PPU)
4. The Multilingual Character of the ECJ
Language Arrangements 23 official languages Language of the case Working language of the ECJ
5. The Advocate General
The Advocates general How they are chosen Where they come from (The "5+3" system) Comparison with the judges What they do
The AG Opinion What is it? What is it for?