PSYCHOLOGY 280B PREPARATION FOR FINAL EXAM Format is 76 multiple choice questions and 7 short answer questions Exam emphasizes last third of course, but covers all course material You have 2 ½ hours Exam is April 26 at 6:30 pm in AC
PSYCHOLOGY 280B MULTIPLE CHOICE Multiple choice questions emphasize the last third of course - 74% of MC (56 items) covers material since mid-term #2 26% of MC (20 items) covers material prior to mid-term #2 Each multiple choice question is worth 1 point (total of 76 points for MC)
Material Covered Since Mid-term #2 ChaptercoveredTopic Number of MC ?s 10 (pp ) Alcoholism6 11 Personality Disorders Mood Disorders and Suicide (omit pp ) Schizophrenia13 16Therapies10
Material Covered Prior to Mid-term #2 ChaptercoveredTopic Number of MC ?s 1 Defining Abnormality and Historical Perspectives 3 2 Theoretical Perspectives on Abnormality 3 3 Classification and Diagnosis 3 19Prevention3 5 Childhood Disorders 3 6 (pp ) Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders 1 7 Anxiety Disorders 4
PSYCHOLOGY 280B SHORT ANSWER There are 10 short answer questions and you must write on 7 of them Each question is worth 2 points (total of 14 points for short answer) The short answer questions cover material since mid-term #2
Breakdown of 10 Short Answer Questions ChaptercoveredTopic Number of SA ?s 10Alcoholism2 11 Personality disorders 2 13 Mood disorders and suicide 3 14Schizophrenia2 16Psychotherapies1