AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, AAPA Member Satisfaction 2014 Results
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Methodology On March 31, 2014, 49,839 members were sent an requesting that they participate in this year’s online survey. The survey closed the end of April members completed the survey, a response rate of 12.1% Approximately ¼ of respondents were student members Respondent demographics and professional characteristics were very similar to the membership at large. A similar survey was completed by members in early spring on 2013.
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Highlights of Findings Overall satisfaction with the AAPA is high and has increased over the past year. Satisfaction with many, but not all, benefits and services provided by AAPA increased. – Satisfaction increased the most for many of the benefits that are most important to members. – Satisfaction with career services had the largest jump – Satisfaction with the cost of membership was stable Students are similar to fellows in their satisfaction with AAPA and in what drives their satisfaction, but some minor differences exist.
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Highlights of Findings Information about changes in healthcare practice, CME, and advocacy are rated as the most important needs of members. – In addition to satisfaction with the cost of membership, opinions about these areas tend to drive overall satisfaction. – Those benefits and services that are the least used and the least important to members tend to have lower satisfaction ratings and to not be good drivers of loyalty – Most demographic and professional characteristics are not important drivers of loyalty The main drivers of overall satisfaction and loyalty have remained stable.
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Satisfaction Rating Overall Satisfaction with Services Intention to Renew Willingness to Recommend Overall Value Member Loyalty 1.Overall, how satisfied are you with the services you have received from your membership during the past year? 2.How likely are you to renew your AAPA membership? 3.If asked by a colleague or friend, how likely would you be to recommend they join AAPA? 4.How would you rate the overall value of your AAPA membership? All four ratings are strongly inter-related and can be used to calculate member loyalty /satisfaction. There are four key questions in the survey that is used to calculate the overall loyalty score.
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Indicators of Satisfaction 2014 – 95% would recommend AAPA 2013 – 93% would recommend AAPA 2014 – 86% are satisfied with services received 2013 – 83% are satisfied with services received 2014 – 78% are likely to renew 2013 – 76% are likely to renew
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Student and Fellows Loyalty Scores Were Similar
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Fellows Overall Satisfaction Score 13.1 (13.3 repeat fellows) (13.6 repeat fellows) 2014 There was a statistically significant increase in fellow satisfaction in 2014 among all fellows who took the surveys and also among only those who took the survey both years.
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Even Fewer Fellows in 2014 Had Low Levels of Loyalty Loyalty Group2014 Fellows2013 Fellows 2014 Students 2013 Students Very Loyal40.2%34.2%38.3%35.2% Loyal33.9%31.5%36.2%32.2% Somewhat Loyal But At Risk 16.6%22.6%18.4%24.0% Opinion Neutral And At Risk 5.1%6.6%5.2%4.8% Not Loyal4.2%5.1%2.0%3.7% Table 3. Comparison of Loyalty Groupings, 2014 and 2013 *There were significant changes in the proportion of fellows in each of the groups from 2013 to 2014 In both 2013 and 2014 the majority of fellows and students were rated as being loyal (score of 13-14) or very loyal (score of 15-16) Very few expressed decidedly negative views about AAPA on the whole (scores of 0-8). Even fewer students gave negative ratings
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Satisfaction with Information In the 2013 study we learned that 81% of fellows were either moderately or very satisfied with the information AAPA provided them about changes in healthcare practice. This year, we delved deeper to understand member’s perceived satisfaction with four specific aspects of healthcare information. 66% Very or Moderately Satisfied 69% Very or Moderately Satisfied 53% Very or Moderately Satisfied 73% Very or Moderately Satisfied
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Fellow Satisfaction With All Aspects of Membership Satisfaction rating Mean (1-5 scale) Compared to 2013 Compared to studentsVery satisfied Neutral/ No opinion Unaware of benefit or service Online CME materials and programs4.28 N/A 47.1%15.7%0.9% Government advocacy4.18 No change41.9%15.7%1.1% Employer advocacy4.11 No change37.6%17.5%1.5% Resources for career management %19.3%0.9% Resources for effective patient care %22.4%3.5% Info about PA certification changes3.98 No change32.0%14.4%3.4% (did not read) Info about changes in healthcare laws (not ACA)3.97 N/A No change30.7%26.5%1.0% (no wish for) Live CME materials and programs3.96 N/A 30.3%30.0%2.5% Info about changes in healthcare practice related to ACA3.92 N/A No change29.7%29.6%1.4% (no wish for) Resources for locating employment3.74 No change22.2%42.0%3.4% Info new models of team care3.72 N/A20.8%40.7%3.4% (no wish for) Cost of dues %16.2%N/A Networking opportunities3.60 No change15.7%46.9%3.6% Leadership opportunities3.50 No change14.3%55.8%3.9% Volunteering opportunities3.38 No change10.2%42.2%9.1% Note. Satisfaction rating scale, 5=very satisfied, 4=moderately satisfied, 3=neutral or no opinion, 2=moderately dissatisfied, 1=very dissatisfied
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Fellow Use and Awareness of AAPA Benefits and Services Frequency of activityMean score Not aware Never used (but aware of)Not aware Never used (but aware of) t-score Overall Activity1.76*1.66* t=6.74 N/A Online CME NS N/A13.9%*N/A17.3%* Website3.11*3.04* t=3.22 N/A1.1%*N/A1.6%* Newsletters3.30*3.37* t=3.25 N/A4.5%N/A4.7% s NS N/A1.7%N/A1.5% PA Professional2.78*2.88* t=5.48 N/A5.5%*N/A4.2%* JobLink NS 10.9%*49.8%*6.4%*56.1%* ConferencesN/A Laws/RegulationsN/A 7.5%*43.3%*9.4%*44.0%* Table 6. Mean Scores and Rate of Disconnection from Benefits and Services: Fellows 2013 and 2014 *Indicates a significant difference between years Note: Mean scores for different types of activity are not comparable with each other as the response choices differed according to the nature of the activity.
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Student Use and Awareness of AAPA Benefits and Services Frequency of activityMean score Not aware Never used (but aware of)Not aware Never used (but aware of) t-score Overall Activity1.76*1.71*t=2.13N/A Online CME1.97*2.48*t=5.46N/A Website NS N/A1.1%*N/A1.6%* Newsletters3.44*3.59* t=3.84 N/A4.5%N/A4.7% s NS N/A2.1%N/A1.7% PA Professional2.34*2.71* t=5.48 N/A22.6%*N/A7.3%* JobLink t= %*23.1%*28.3%*36.3%* ConferencesN/A Laws/RegulationsN/A 20.2%*39.3%*23.5%*32.0%* Table 7. Mean Scores and Rate of Disconnection from Benefits and Services: Students 2013 and 2014 *Indicates a significant difference between years Note: Mean scores for different types of activity are not comparable with each other as the response choices differed according to the nature of the activity.
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Key Drivers of Overall Satisfaction: Fellows Satisfaction with cost of membership Satisfaction with information about changes in healthcare practice Satisfaction with government advocacy Satisfaction with CME programs and materials Importance of need to belong to a PA professional org Satisfaction with cost of membership Satisfaction with advocacy with employers Satisfaction with online CME materials and programs Satisfaction with information about healthcare practice related to the ACA Frequency visit website
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Key Drivers of Overall Satisfaction: Students Satisfaction with information about changes in healthcare practice Satisfaction with cost of membership Frequency visit website Satisfaction with employer advocacy Importance of need for resources for patient care Satisfaction with cost of membership Satisfaction with information about healthcare practice related to the ACA Frequency visit website Satisfaction with advocacy with employers Satisfaction with resources for managing career
AAPA Research – 2318 Mill Road, Suite 1300, Alexandria VA, Job Satisfaction This year, we decided to ask our members about their current satisfaction with their job and career. Overall, our members are satisfied with their career choice and their current job. 80% are satisfied with their current job* 87% are confident in the profession’s future Only 12% would choose a different career *85% of the PAs responding to the annual survey indicated that they were satisfied with their current job