International City/County Management Association Strategic Planning Committee Wichita, Kansas Meeting 2 November 10-11, 2006 Strategic Planning Committee Wichita, Kansas Meeting 2 November 10-11, 2006
ICMA Strategic Planning Committee Goals of the Meeting Friday: Understanding of the environment facing local government, the profession and the association Saturday: Identify the principle trends/drivers facing local government, the profession and the association Outcomes will be tested with members via surveys in the coming months Results will be reviewed by this committee in May 2007 and used to select priorities Goals of the Meeting Friday: Understanding of the environment facing local government, the profession and the association Saturday: Identify the principle trends/drivers facing local government, the profession and the association Outcomes will be tested with members via surveys in the coming months Results will be reviewed by this committee in May 2007 and used to select priorities
ICMA Strategic Planning Committee Agenda Friday, November 10, :00Welcome 2:10Agenda Review/Goals of the Meeting 2:15Introductions 2:30Brief Review of the First Meeting 2:45Environmental Scan Framing Presentation 3:30Environmental Scan Exercise (Small Groups) 4:30Report Out and Discussion 5:30Adjourn Agenda Friday, November 10, :00Welcome 2:10Agenda Review/Goals of the Meeting 2:15Introductions 2:30Brief Review of the First Meeting 2:45Environmental Scan Framing Presentation 3:30Environmental Scan Exercise (Small Groups) 4:30Report Out and Discussion 5:30Adjourn
ICMA Strategic Planning Committee Agenda Saturday, November 11 8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Agenda Review/Goals for the Day 8:35Review/Discussion of Day 1 8:40Environmental Scan/Small Group 11:30Lunch/Check-out 12:30Report Out 1:30Discussion/Agreement on Most Pressing Drivers and Trends 2:30Next Steps/Next Meeting Reminder 2:45Adjourn Saturday, November 11 8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Agenda Review/Goals for the Day 8:35Review/Discussion of Day 1 8:40Environmental Scan/Small Group 11:30Lunch/Check-out 12:30Report Out 1:30Discussion/Agreement on Most Pressing Drivers and Trends 2:30Next Steps/Next Meeting Reminder 2:45Adjourn
ICMA Strategic Planning Meeting Brief Review, Meeting 1 in San Antonio Purpose of Meeting 1: Orient participants on the process, expectations Identify key questions that have to be answered in this process Key Themes (summary only, not all inclusive): How do we proliferate the profession? What is the future role of ICMA? How can we link with other associations (state, sister)? How do we link, engage members and increase our numbers? What are the implications of the changing demographics? For complete specifics, see see notes from Meeting 1 Purpose of Meeting 1: Orient participants on the process, expectations Identify key questions that have to be answered in this process Key Themes (summary only, not all inclusive): How do we proliferate the profession? What is the future role of ICMA? How can we link with other associations (state, sister)? How do we link, engage members and increase our numbers? What are the implications of the changing demographics? For complete specifics, see see notes from Meeting 1
ICMA Strategic Planning Timeline SWOT analysisMember feedback Identification of major themes Development of thematic statements Member feedback Development and submission of final plan Development of tactical steps Committee and Executive Board Committee and Membership Committee Executive Board FALLWINTER/SPRINGSUMMER
ICMA Strategic Planning Committee Wichita, Kansas Small Group Assignment Assign a facilitator and recorder As a small group, answer the following questions: What emerged in Bob’s presentation that you feel has the most relevance for local government, the profession and the association? What are the implications of these areas for local government, the profession and the association? Was there anything missing (driving forces and trends)? What needs more clarification and discussion for day 2? Assign a group member to report out to the larger group Small Group Assignment Assign a facilitator and recorder As a small group, answer the following questions: What emerged in Bob’s presentation that you feel has the most relevance for local government, the profession and the association? What are the implications of these areas for local government, the profession and the association? Was there anything missing (driving forces and trends)? What needs more clarification and discussion for day 2? Assign a group member to report out to the larger group
ICMA Strategic Planning Committee Goals of the Meeting Friday: Understanding of the environment facing local government, the profession and the association Saturday: Identify the principle trends/drivers facing local government, the profession and the association Outcomes will be tested with members via surveys in the coming months Results will be reviewed by this committee in May 2007 and used to select priorities Goals of the Meeting Friday: Understanding of the environment facing local government, the profession and the association Saturday: Identify the principle trends/drivers facing local government, the profession and the association Outcomes will be tested with members via surveys in the coming months Results will be reviewed by this committee in May 2007 and used to select priorities
ICMA Strategic Planning Committee Agenda Saturday, November 11 8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Agenda Review/Goals for the Day 8:35Review/Discussion of Day 1 8:40Environmental Scan/Small Group 11:30Lunch/Check-out 12:30Report Out 1:30Discussion/Agreement on Most Pressing Drivers and Trends 2:30Next Steps/Next Meeting Reminder 2:45Adjourn Saturday, November 11 8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Agenda Review/Goals for the Day 8:35Review/Discussion of Day 1 8:40Environmental Scan/Small Group 11:30Lunch/Check-out 12:30Report Out 1:30Discussion/Agreement on Most Pressing Drivers and Trends 2:30Next Steps/Next Meeting Reminder 2:45Adjourn
` Environmental Scan Small Group Assignment 1. Assign a facilitator and recorder 2. Review the discussion from day 1 3. What do you feel are the top 5 most pressing drivers, forces and trends facing 1) local government; 2) the profession; and 3) the Association? 4. Provide your rationale for each of your top five (5). 5. As a small group, agree to the top 3 in each area (local government, the profession and the association). 1. Assign a facilitator and recorder 2. Review the discussion from day 1 3. What do you feel are the top 5 most pressing drivers, forces and trends facing 1) local government; 2) the profession; and 3) the Association? 4. Provide your rationale for each of your top five (5). 5. As a small group, agree to the top 3 in each area (local government, the profession and the association).
ICMA Strategic Planning Timeline SWOT analysisMember feedback Identification of major themes Development of thematic statements Member feedback Development and submission of final plan Development of tactical steps Committee and Executive Board Committee and Membership Committee Executive Board FALLWINTER/SPRINGSUMMER
Next Steps Minutes will be sent out to the committee Results of today’s meeting will be included in a survey to ICMA membership Results of the survey will be reviewed by the committee at the May 2007 meeting Priority themes/issues will be identified during the May meeting Minutes will be sent out to the committee Results of today’s meeting will be included in a survey to ICMA membership Results of the survey will be reviewed by the committee at the May 2007 meeting Priority themes/issues will be identified during the May meeting
Next Meeting May 10-11, 2007 Location: Dallas Happy Holidays May 10-11, 2007 Location: Dallas Happy Holidays