Update: Strategic Planning Committee Annual Business Meeting Pittsburgh/Allegheny County, PA 10/9/2007
Where we are: ICMA Strategic Planning Timeline SWOT analysisMember feedback Identification of major vision themes Committee and Executive Board Committee and Membership Committee 2006/ 2007 FALLWINTER/SPRINGSUMMER November 10 th -11 th, 2006 Wichita, KS January 24 th - February 14 th, 2007 May 10 th - 11 th, 2007 Richardson, TX Agreement on vision themes October 7 th -10 th, 2007 Pittsburgh, PA WE ARE HERE! 2007
Draft Vision Statements Local Government / Profession- Vision Statement #1 To be the career of choice for all those that want to make a difference in the public sector. Vision Statement #2 To be a profession of bold, innovative, competent, values based leaders committed to promoting ethical conduct, meaningful community participation and representative democracy. Vision Statement #3 To be a profession that attracts and cultivates the most talented individuals, promotes diversity, and accepts into its ranks all those that are dedicated to the highest ideals of professionalism and service to the community.
Draft Vision Statements (Cont.) Vision Statement #4 To be a profession that is dedicated to equity, fairness, stewardship of public resources, and sound, results-based management principles that are transferable across boundaries and effective in improving the quality of life in communities. Vision Statement #5 To be a profession that is constantly seeking to improve its capabilities, acquire new expertise, and develop the leadership skills necessary to build better communities. Vision Statement #6 To be a profession dedicated to community building, working in concert with elected officials to integrate and manage the important issues and concepts that cross boundaries within our communities.
Draft Vision Statements (Cont.) Association- Vision Statement #7 To be the premier authority on leadership and management in the public sector. Vision Statement #8 To be the preeminent source for reliable and useful information about all aspects of local government including industry leading practices and opportunities for meaningful professional development. Vision Statement #9 To be an association that promotes, supports, and engages in the sharing of information and member opportunities in order to create understanding and appreciation of national and global perspectives regarding the delivery of public services.
Draft Vision Statements (Cont.) Vision Statement #10 To be the association of choice for all members of the professional local government management community. Vision Statement #11 To be relentlessly focused on providing the highest quality goods and services to our members. Vision Statement #12 To be an association that encourages and accepts diversity among its members; with a governing board that is reflective of the diverse makeup of our membership and of the communities served.
Draft Vision Statements (Cont.) Vision Statement #13 To be an association of active members that seek opportunities and means through which they can contribute to the improvement of the association as a whole. Vision Statement #14 To be the standard bearer for ethical conduct and the advocate for professional management. Vision Statement #15 To be an association that serves as a source of professional and personal support and renewal for its members throughout their life of public service.
Where we are going: Development of strategies Member feedback Draft strategic and tactical plan Present final plan to membership 2007/ ICMA Strategic Planning Timeline (Cont.) Committee and Executive Board Committee and Membership Committee FALLWINTER/SPRINGSUMMER 11/ /1, 2007 Albuquerque, NM January, 2008May, 2008 (Tentative) Evanston, IL Implementation of strategies and tactics September 21-24, 2008 Richmond, VA Post annual conference by Executive Board and Staff