Whole Child Working Group Meeting #5
Agenda Welcome and introductions - Heather Transition/focusing activity - Rosa Connecting the work Looking ahead to June 2 - Heather APS efforts – Pam Refining the definitions How we shaped tonight’s discussion - Lisa Discussions to refine - Heather Learning Knowledge and Skills Physical Health & Activity Recap and preparing for next meeting
Focusing Activity Rosa
Connecting the Work Looking ahead to June 2 Heather
Connecting the Work APS work Pam
Refining the Definitions How we shaped tonight’s discussion Lisa
Meeting #3 – Established Whole Child Focus Areas Learning Knowledge and Skills Physical Health & Activity Family & Community Engagement Social & Emotional Well Being Culture, Climate and Physical Space
Meeting #4 - Whole Child Focus Areas
After meeting #4 Compiling the input Group’s refined focus area definitions identified 16 pages of ideas sorted by Focus area Existing OR opportunity by School Community Family Other
After meeting #4 Organizing the input Associated items with themes For example - Physical Health – themes included More movementInstruction Outside of schoolFood InfrastructureQuiet time Not sure Different Focus Area
After Meeting #4 Reviewed ASCD indicators for Healthy Aligned with the themes we collected with indicators Language was similar and succinct
After Meeting #4 Reflection on our input A lot of alignment Some additional areas to consider Input probably went too deep into the weeds We need to inform School Board, tonight we move back towards global definitions
Handouts for each Focus Area Handout Front Tonight’s organizer Handout Back ASCD reference Handout Spreadsheet – Input captured and categorized
Refining the Definitions Physical Health Heather
Themes Existing Resources Student Individual Schools APS Arlington County PartnersNotes WCWG themes aligned with ASCD Guiding Principles for HEALTHY 1. APS supports and reinforces the health and well-being of each student (1) 2. APS health education curriculum and instruction support and reinforce the health and well-being of each student by addressing the physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions of health (2) 3. APS physical education schedule, curriculum, and instruction support and reinforce the health and well-being of each student by addressing lifetime fitness knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills (3)
Themes Existing Resources Student Individual Schools APS Arlington County PartnersNotes WCWG themes aligned with ASCD Guiding Principles for HEALTHY 4. APS facility and environment support and reinforce the health and well- being of each student (and staff) member (4). 5. APS collaborates with parents and the local community to promote the health and well-being of each student (6) 6. APS supports, promotes, and reinforces healthy eating patterns and food safety in routine (10)
Themes Existing Resources Student Individual Schools APS Arlington County PartnersNotes Other ASCD Guiding Principles for Healthy APS addresses the health and well-being of each staff member (5) APS integrates health and well-being into the school’s ongoing activities, professional development, curriculum, and assessment practices (7) APS sets realistic goals for student and staff health that are built on accurate data and sound science (8) APS facilitates student and staff access to health, mental health, and dental services (9)
Refining the Definitions Learning, Knowledge & Skills Heather
Themes Existing Resources Student Individual Schools APS Arlington County PartnersNotes WCWG themes aligned with ASCD Guiding Principles for CHALLENGED 1. Each student in APS has access to challenging, comprehensive curriculum in all content areas (1) 2. APS provides opportunities for students to develop critical‐thinking and reasoning skills, problem solving competencies, and technology proficiency (2) 3. APS extracurricular, co-curricular, and community‐based programs provide students with experiences relevant to higher education, career, and citizenship (7)
Themes Existing Resources Student Individual Schools APS Arlington County PartnersNotes WCWG themes aligned with ASCD Guiding Principles for CHALLENGED 4. APS develop students' global awareness and competencies, including understanding of language and culture (8) 5. APS monitors and assesses extracurricular, co-curricular and community‐based experiences to ensure students’ academic and personal growth (9) 6. APS provides cross-curricular opportunities for learning with and through technology (10)
Themes Existing Resources Student Individual Schools APS Arlington County PartnersNotes Other ASCD Guiding Principles for CHALLENGED APS collects and uses qualitative and quantitative data to support student academic and personal growth (3) APS demonstrates high expectations for each student (4) APS works with families to help all students understand the connections between education and lifelong success (5) (included under Family & Community Engagement) APS curriculum and instruction include evidence-based strategies to prepare students for future education, career and citizenship (6)
Recap and preparing for meeting #6 Heather