Increase Physical Activity & Healthy Eating in San Francisco Community Health Improvement Plan Presentation Shape Up SF Coalition October 10, 2012 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Increase Physical Activity & Healthy Eating in San Francisco Community Health Improvement Plan Presentation Shape Up SF Coalition October 10,

Meeting Objectives Understand CHIP purpose + process Review priority-specific data themes and related goals as foundation for discussion. Inform discussion with your expertise. Refine goals, objectives, and strategies with focus on alignment. 2


CHIP Basics CHIP = Community Health Improvement Plan – Community-driven + action oriented plan Outlines community health vision + values Specifies community’s priority health issues Seeks to ↑ community health 3-5 years duration – Community plan – not just SFDPH MAPP Framework 4

Improved community health Public health accreditation – 1/3 prerequisites – 5-Year Budget priority of SF Health Commission Alignment of partners + projects – Community Health Needs Assessments/CVS – SF Health Improvement Partnerships – Community Transformation Grant – Health Care Services Master Plan – Public Health Accreditation – DOE – Healthy Homes Project CHIP Purpose 5


SF Health Vision + Values Healthy people, healthy families, healthy communities: Living, learning, playing, earning in San Francisco – Alignment – Health Equity – Community Connections 7

SF Priority Health Issues Ensure Safe + Healthy Living Environments Increase Access to Quality Health Care + Services Increase Healthy Eating + Active Living 8






14 Why we’ve asked you here today.


What happens next? Oct 2012 Meet with experts for additional input on measures and strategies Nov/Dec 2012 Finalize Community Health Improvement Plan Jan 2013 Develop Action Plan for Feb 2013 Develop DPH Strategic Plan Ongoing CHIP Implementation 16

GOALS, OBJECTIVES, MEASURES, + STRATEGIES Priority: Increase Physical Activity & Healthy Eating 17

Community Themes & Strengths Neighborhood focus groups emphasized importance of healthy eating and active living Need for affordable, accessible fresh foods and safe and affordable opportunities for physical activity Desire for increased green space Future development to support healthy urban growth Local Public Health SystemForces of Change Community Health Status 4 of top 5 leading causes of death for men are related to cardiovascular disease 3 of top 5 causes of death for women related to cardiovascular disease African Americans have far higher rates of death due to cardiovascular disease Latinos are at greatest risk for obesity 2010 Community Vital Signs Adults engaging in moderate physical activity Current: 26.3% Target: 30% Retail food environment index Current: 3.18 fast food/convenience stores per produce outlet Target: 3.10 fast food/convenience stores per produce outlet Proportion of households within a ½ mile of a farmer’s market Current: 35% Target: 88% 7th grade students who are physically fit Current: 66.3% Target: 66.1% 2010 Community Vital Signs Adults engaging in moderate physical activity Current: 26.3% Target: 30% Retail food environment index Current: 3.18 fast food/convenience stores per produce outlet Target: 3.10 fast food/convenience stores per produce outlet Proportion of households within a ½ mile of a farmer’s market Current: 35% Target: 88% 7th grade students who are physically fit Current: 66.3% Target: 66.1% Data Foundation

Current Data-Driven Priority Goals Mobilize & connect existing institutions to increase physical activity & healthy eating Strengthen opportunities for physical activity Strengthen opportunities for healthy eating 19

Discussion Parameters Time Data-based Focus on vital few 20 We look forward to learning from your expertise in this area!

Questions to Consider Are these the right objectives? Are there others we should consider? To what extent should the objectives be tailored to specific neighborhoods or resident populations? Which ones and which populations? Are there other performance indicators we should consider? Which strategies are we using already? Do they have an evidence-base? 21

Additional thoughts? Please contact: Jim Soos Office of Policy & Planning San Francisco Department of Public Health (415)