SEND Cluster ‘Host’ Training Introduction Judith Carter – Senior Adviser Complex Needs/Vulnerable Learners Education Achievement Improvement and Governance
Welcome… Activity 1: Introductions and expectations of this session
Aims of this introductory meeting: Clarify the ‘host’ role defining what it is and is not Define the rationale for this role and the opportunities within it Consider the themes linked to this role Review collective ‘needs’ in order to fulfil this role Agree the programme for ‘preparation’ meetings Identify immediate action points for ‘hosts’
The SEND Cluster ‘host’ role… Activity 2: What is and is not, the role of a ‘host’?
The SEND Cluster ‘host’ role… What is the role of a ‘host’? Facilitator – mediator – co-ordinator – chair of meeting The person who ‘asks’ the questions Time keeper Summative communicator Conflict resolver
The SEND Cluster ‘host’ role… What is not within the role of a ‘host’? You do not know all the answers You are not the ‘ Nottingham Cluster SENCO’ You do not have ‘cluster’ responsibility You do not have the ‘casting’ vote – (you do not have a vote, unless you are another member of the meeting as Head or SENCO) You are not referee, magician, accountant…
Purpose of the ‘host’ role: To enable SEND clusters to adopt a collaborative model of working facilitated by a nominated professional, in order that they may make an informed decision as to whether this will be their chosen methodology in the future. (Try before you buy, approach.) To promote opportunities for structured dialogue regarding principles and approaches which offer ‘support for learning’ to learners with SEND across the cluster.
In real terms? Using the guidance document and the SEND cluster tool kit, half termly meetings will be facilitated by hosts during the academic year Preparation meetings will be offered during the first 2 weeks of every half term, providing an opportunity to discuss the agenda themes and for hosts to ‘personalise’ the support materials. The preparation meetings will offer a network of support for hosts in order that experiences and resources can be shared and issues and concerns collectively discussed.
Activity 3: Identify the priorities that you think your cluster are currently focused on… …What are the implications for you as a ‘host?’
Themes for consideration: Communication – ‘rules,’ methods Time keeping – use of an agenda/powerpoint Resolving conflict A shared ‘vision’ and ‘culture’ My school our cluster SEND profile Immediate priorities – R, Yr 7, 6 th form ‘Change’ fund – medical needs, 1 st year of funding Requesting support
Support for YOUR learning… What do you need as ‘hosts?’ Establishing our own network Sharing information Knowledge of tool kit and guidance document?
Getting Started: Communication Meeting dates Venue Timings Refreshments Confidence Capturing decision making or action points? Having information to ‘hand’ Communication – requests for information - eg: pen picture about my school?
Core Messages If something is not working for the cluster, the cluster can change it Establish your own cluster objectives or principles – go back to them Look beyond the current amount of unallocated cluster fund – this will change in April 2013 Establish the process and systems for communication, moderation, support, challenge, shared accountability Prepare for ‘change’ – establish the system for responding to it
Questions? Our Meeting Schedule