Lots of “buzz” surrounding environmentalism Companies doing ‘energy audits’ Companies selling “green” products No one is providing a comprehensive lifestyle-shift solution to consumers 2
Barriers: Information overload Busy lifestyle No known starting point Solution: Let us come “green” your home and your life 3
Green Audit Focus can be on health, energy, environment Provides information Consultation Government incentives (according to customer’s area of residence) Provides SOLUTIONS Customizable 4
Consumers with specific health concerns (ie. Respiratory problems) Consumers with health-sensitivity (ie. w/ children; seniors) 5
All consumers are interested in cost-savings! Solutions can vary from simple base level to comprehensive higher level Dependent on customer’s wants and commitment level 6
Consumers with environmental agenda Tangible solutions within the home Connection to specific programs and community groups 7
Use popular networking tools for promotion EXAMPLE: In what city/neighborhood are we “greening” today? EXAMPLE: Contest to create buzz 8
Overcomes barriers to consumer inaction Makes changes for customers, and gives them achievable, actionable items Comprehensive solutions provider 9