Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out… Supporting New Faculty in Family Medicine Cheryl K. Seymour, MD Maine-Dartmouth Family Medicine Residency
Why is this an important topic? STFM Strategic Goal: “Provide premier academic development of faculty appropriate to their level of experience and individual roles” New faculty are the future of the discipline – long term as well as short-term recruitment National statistics of age distribution of FM faculty?
Who am I? Who are you? Role – faculty, resident, fellow, student? University or community program? What challenges have you experienced as a junior faculty member? What questions were you hoping to have answered today?
My goals for you… Discuss the variety of unique challenges facing new faculty in family medicine Reflect on issues specific to you or new faculty in your institution Using your cases and mine, identify “best practices” and existing resources to benefit new faculty in your program
Schedule 5 min Common Themes & Challenges Introduce cases, solicit from group 20 min Small groups discuss challenges & interventions for each case 20 min Share with larger group Review existing resources 10 min Next steps, questions, wrap-up
Common Themes - Knowledge Need for clinical precepting (while also being the preceptor!) Knowledge gaps in curriculum development, research methods, practice management Different learning or teaching styles
Common Themes - Hierarchy Negotiating hierarchy, advancement in an academic setting Finding a voice to advocate for change within The System
Common Themes - Balance Balance TIME between personal & professional goals Maintain personal health Develop better time management skills
Common Themes - Finances Debt averaged $140,000 at graduation in 2007 Average pay-off date is at 55 yo or older Primary care physicians make 30% less than average physician salary Source: AAMC - Young Physician Indebtedness Report, 6/07
Common Themes - Relationships Desire for mentorship Frequent feedback & structured expectations Generational differences in values, work ethic, role of family physician
Gen X: Incentives and Motivators Turn offs “Busy work” Rigid rules, systems Schedules/duties Emphasis on process Complex organizations Delayed gratification Seniority authority Work vs family/ other activities Turn Ons Meaningful work Innovation, change Flexibility/choice Data, service NOW Technology Reward by results Earned leadership Life balance This slide borrowed from FMDRL - Anne Walling, John Delzell STFM Annual Meeting 2007
A case in point… 1- Congrats! You are our new geriatrics rotation director! 2- Pregnancy, part-time & “pulling your weight” 3- Productivity, efficiency & perfect patient care 4- New tricks for an old dog-publish or perish…
A case in point… Cases from the group??
Discussion Please get in groups & choose a case. What are the challenges? What are your ideas?
Case 1 – Geri rotation director Get involved with local resources to make your own contacts – Hospice, Elder hostels, etc. Mentor to help you understand internal hospital, NH, regional politics and hierarchy What is her own geriatric knowledge like? Access to resident evals of the rotation Art of introducing a new teaching style
Case 1 – Geri rotation director ACGME website – define competencies, PIF Full time or part-time faculty development fellowships - curriculum development Residency education specialist?? ** FMDRL **FMDRL STFM - Group On Geriatrics? Look for other online curricular resources – American Geriatrics Society, etc.
Case 2 – Part-time & Pregnancy Honest conversations with colleagues about personal values and career goals Networking with peers to know what is possible, then educating your home program STFM Group on Women in Medicine & wiki FMDRLFMDRL – “Young Mothers in Academic FM”
Case 2 – Part-time & Pregnancy Understand your specific value in your program and try to use this understanding to make a proposal that works for everyone Repository of career models?? Professional work hour guidelines – can we lead a cultural shift in our discipline?
Case 3 - Productivity Don’t be afraid to ask for help FMDRL – 3 hits for coding curriculum Consider your style – what can change and how the system could change ex. Breaks in the morning to get notes done
Family Practice Management April 2001 Randall Grimshaw, MD Austin, TX
Case 4 – Publish or perish? Great workshops at every STFM conference Often writing opportunities come on the program director’s list-serv Find a mentor in your program Journal editors give great feedback
Case 4 – Publish or perish? Practice the art of turning your daily work into a presentation – quality improvement, curriculum development, an interesting case A good presentation can then become a paper Learn now about the IRB process in your hospital – even if your are studying your residents
Coming attractions… STFM Group On New Faculty Wiki Share your favorite tips, links, resources STFM Annual Meeting April, 2009 – Colorado
Group On New Faculty Wiki
The bottom line… Join STFM! (and a couple Group Ons) Try to meet new people here and at other meetings Check out the FMDRL Don’t be afraid to ask for help Expect (demand?) & ask nicely for more support from your programs