Issues In Health Instructor: Nikki Dashiell Office: room 710 Off Periods: 3,4 Phone:
Course Overview This course is designed to provide you with a basic overview of health & wellness, as well as help you to gain skills in order to live a healthy & enjoyable lifestyle. The course uses lecture, discussion, readings, films, individual & group projects, quizzes, guest speakers & hands-on activities to help you understand all aspects of personal and community health.
BVSD Health Objectives Students will build health skills and knowledge … in the area of physical wellness. in the area of mental health/emotional wellness. in the area of violence awareness. in the area of substance use, abuse, and addiction. in the area of human growth and development/ human sexuality. in the area of injury prevention and safety.
Health & Wellness Definitions & aspects of each Impact of Communication Wellness Wheel Disease Prevention
Mental & Emotional Health Goal Setting Identifying Values Decision Making Stress Management Self-Esteem Eating Disorders Depression/Suicide
Violence Awareness Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Dating Violence Communication Advocacy
Substance Use, Abuse & Addiction Alcohol Tobacco Other Drugs Effects Decision Making
Healthy Relationships & Human Sexuality Communication Relationships Anatomy STI’s & HIV/AIDS Disease Prevention, Birth Control, Abstinence
Diversity Awareness SES Race Gender Sexual Orientation
Injury Prevention & Safety Driving Consequences
Other topics covered… Body image Media influences Nutrition & Fitness And more!
Required Materials Three Ring Binder with looseleaf paper or spiral notebook (tear out pages) with pockets Notes, Wellness Project, Handouts/Activities, Homework/Assignments Pen and/or pencil
Basic Classroom Expectations & Guidelines Be respectful! Towards yourself, teacher, peers, substitute teachers, guests, room, equipment, etc. Be responsible & prepared! On time, in seat, with your binder, paper, & pencil when the bell rings. Be mentally prepared! Bring a positive attitude, an open mind, a willingness to participate, an expectation to learn new things, and intentions to try your best at all times.
In-Class Work/Activities/ Homework (30%) Keep all Health materials (in-class work, notes, homework, pass backs, etc.). Check IC for grades. You’re responsible for info presented in class; note taking is encouraged. You are expected to do assignments missed during absences! It’s your responsibility to get missed work; you’ll have an extra day or two to complete the work you missed.
Assessments (70%) Various forms of assessments will be given within, and/or at the completion of each unit. Examples include: Projects, tests, quizzes, essays, individual presentations, posters/power points, group presentations, creative responses, etc.
Grading Scale ALL ASSIGNMENTS AND TESTS ARE BASED ON A 5 POINT GRADING SCALE 5 POINTS= Above and beyond, making many connections with class topics and discussions. 4 points= Did what was asked, making few connections with class topics and discussions. 3 points or lower= Missing information, incomplete, little to no connections made.
Late Work Policy o ALWAYS TURN IN YOUR WORK!!! o I will except late work up until the end of a quarter. No late work will be excepted after that quarter and will be switched from a missing to a 0. o Late work can only receive 4 points or lower.
I don’t GIVE you your grade… you EARN your grade! Do what you need to in order to get the grade you want!