Professional Growth & Effectiveness System
DECISION REQUIRED BY MARCH 2013 Current Evaluation and PD Models The current evaluation plan was last revised and adopted by the Board of Education in spring The current plan for Professional Development is aligned to the evaluation of certified personnel through the annual PGP. Situation at Hand KDE submitted a waiver from ESEA, now known as No Child Left Behind Act. However, the Kentucky Waiver which was federally approved requires a revision in the evaluation system throughout the state of Kentucky. Recent statute (House Bill 180, March 2013) requires the KY BoE to establish a statewide system of evaluation for all certified personnel by EIS has to decide whether to align itself with the KDE model or develop its own plan that meets the ESEA guidelines.
ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT (ESEA) WAIVER used for continual improvement; differentiate performance use multiple, valid measures evaluate regularly provide useful feedback, used to inform personnel decisions
THE GOAL: Every child in every classroom will be taught by a highly effective teacher. (Not just highly qualified – we’re looking at performance.) Every school in every district will be led by a highly effective principal. (Not just highly qualified – we’re looking at performance.)
So…..what does KDE have in mind for a new system of evaluation and PD? It’s called the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System or PGES.
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NEW SYSTEM (PGES) 1.Move the discussion from teacher quality (as measured by degrees/rank) to teacher and leader effectiveness (Are students learning?). 2.Focus on teacher and principal professional growth. 3.Develop through a collaborative, inclusive and transparent process. 4.Involve a comprehensive/holistic approach incorporating multiple measures.
PARENT SURVEYS House Bill 180 (Revision of KRS ) also calls for the inclusion of parent surveys as a source of data once a valid and reliable survey tool becomes available for this purpose.
Semester 1Semester 2 Method 1 (Progressive) 3 minis and 1 formal One mini will be completed by the peer observer. 2 Observations 2 mini 2 Observations 1 mini 1 formal Method 2 (Traditional) 2 formals and 2 minis One mini will be completed by the peer observer. 2 Observations 1 formal 1 mini 2 Observations 1 mini 1 formal
A COMMON UNDERSTANDING OF EFFECTIVENESS FFT graphic… themes, etc Domain 1: Planning & Preparation Domain 2: Classroom Environment Domain 3: Instruction Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Domain 5: Student Growth
STATEWIDE PILOT All districts will participate in the statewide field test Each district will select a minimum of 10% of their schools to participate (minimum of 1 school) Within each participating school, the minimum number of teachers participating will be ELA: 1-2 Math: 1-2 ELL/SWD: 1-2 Non-Assessed: 2-3 Minimum total number of participating teachers per participating school: 5-9
DISTRICT INTENT TO ADOPT After convening the local evaluation committee, a form will need to be completed by and submitted to KDE (via the web collector) no later than March 29, Districts will choose from the following options: adopt –the state-developed effectiveness system, OR –a valid locally-developed effectiveness system that meets the ESEA Waiver requirements
IF A DISTRICT CHOOSES THE LOCALLY- DESIGNED OPTION, THE DISTRICT MUST… provide assurances and evidence that the system (a) meets all the requirements of the ESEA waiver and (b) is research-based and valid across the local system. If our district chooses this option, we will receive a follow up from KDE with more detailed requirements and assurances for locally-designed option. Final submission of the district’s evaluation plan to the KDE would be December 15, It would be subject to review and approval by KDE to ensure compliance with ESEA mandates and elements specified in the recent statute (HB 180).
EIS EVALUATION PLAN COMMITTEE The EIS Evaluation Plan Review and Development Committee, consisting of five teachers and five administrators, met on February 26, The committee unanimously agreed that the KDE developed Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES) would be the best alternative for the Elizabethtown Independent Schools.