EI for FM – Employee Involvement in Facility Management Enterprises VS/2014/0369 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Number of the Agreement VS/2014/0369 This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Bulgarian National Workshop – 21° January 2016
Who we are Project objectives Expected results Study Index Roles and Responsibilities Timetable Multiplier effects and dissemination plan GENERAL OVERVIEW
WHO WE ARE LEAD APPLICANT: LEGACOOP SERVIZI (IT) Italian national association of Service Cooperatives and Mutuals. more than 2500 service cooperatives (wide range of services in the Facility Management) more than members over employees total turnover of more than €8,000,000,000, PARTNER: SNS FOUNDATION (IT) Italian Foundation supporting enterprises, cooperatives, public administration and other stakeholders in the Facility Management sector. more than 60 full members mainly operating in Facility Management sector more than 50 among training courses, seminars and refresher courses carried out covering the whole national territory More than 20 consultancy contracts with Public Administrations and private organisations Wide experience in the EU projects management and implementation PARTNER: DIESIS (BE) EU-level organisation supporting the development of Social Economy and, in particular, of Cooperatives and Social Enterprises. 18 member organisations from 7 EU Countries Network composed by more than enterprises, advisory & development structures and organisations Part of GECES (European Commission expert group on social entrepreneurship), ETUC, REVES, Social Economy Europe, CECOP, EMES and EAPN
WHO WE ARE (II) PARTNER: BGFMA (BG) One of the most important companies which provides full FM services in Bulgaria More than 50 between corporate and individual members Close link with Institutions and Local Authorities Part of Bulgarian Industrial Association, EuroFM, IFMA, Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industries PARTNER: FMI (BG) Highly specialized Bulgarian enterprise assisting the mid-term and long-term investors, to facilitate the start-up Facility Management companies, structure their business/services, train their staff and build up their image. PARTNER: HFMS (HU) Hungarian Facility Management Society represent the interests and the instances of associated in the Building and Facility Management sectors. Activities of consulting, standards definition and scientific researches Part of EuroFM and GlobalFM PARTNER: HMA (EL) Greek organisation with a mission to contribute to the promotion, dissemination and promulgation of modern management principles, methods and practices. more than executives trained more than educational hours offered through training programmes More than alumni post-graduated in 22 Greek cities
WHO WE ARE (III) ASSOCIATED AND AFFILIATED AFFILIATED: COCETA (ES) Spanish Confederation of Worker Cooperatives, more than 25 years of experience representing nearly 17,000 labor cooperatives more than 210,000 permanent and quality jobs ASSOCIATED: FILCAMS CGIL (IT) Italian Trade Federation about Commerce, Hotels, Canteens and Services, more than 50 years of experience. ASSOCIATED: UNI EUROPA (BE) EU level trade union federation, based in Brussels, dealing with Commerce, Postal services and logistics, ICT, Financial services, Temporary agency workers, Social insurance, Property services (cleaning, security), Graphical sector, Media, Entertainment, Tourism, Hair and Beauty and Sport. National trade unions in 50 different countries 320 affiliated trade union organizations representing 7 million workers worldwide AFFILIATED: CONFESAL (ES) Participative SMEs and representative organization active at the national level in Spain roughly partecipative SMEs represented in Spain
November 2014 – April 2016 PROJECT OBJECTIVES Promote activities designed to explore and prepare the establishment of a European Society (SE) or a European Cooperative Society (SCE) in the service sector, and in particular with the involvement of companies active in the field of Facility Management (FM). Special focus on the necessary arrangement to establish structures and procedures for workers information, consultation and participation in the context of such new SE or SCE. Given the nature of the partner organisations involved another focus will be on legislation and practice in worker cooperatives, and on the implementation of the related European directives. Develop specific training framework on the themes of the project based on the various exchanges among the project partners and conduct a Study related to the proposed creation of a SE or a SCE and some Recommendations Encourage discussion, exchange of ideas and collect information through National workshops and information meetings and a European-level public seminar
EXPECTED RESULTS The production of a Study containing: Context of European Society and SCE Inventory of national situations Training Framework Policy Recommendations The organisation of 5 National trainings and information workshops and 1 European public seminar A wide dissemination of project’s results (Study, Training Modules and so on) through periodical newsletters, updating of the official website, dissemination through partners’ professional networks.
STUDY INDEX A. Context of European Society and SCE (in general and in FM) 1.European Legal Framework 2.SE and SCE Actives in Europe: a general overview 3.Limits and Advantages of being a SE or a SCE 4.Governance and the worker participation in the SE and SCE B. Inventory of national situations 1.National Stakeholder Map 2.Overview of national legal framework: the implementation of SE and SCE Regulation in the national legislation 3.Overview of national workers participation legal framework 1.Active SE and SCEs registered in the Country 2.Workers involvement and participation in the Services Sector 4.Case Studies (IT + ES + HU + BG + EL) C. Training 1.Target, themes, methodologies 2.Training Modules D. Recommendations 1.Introduction 2.Recommendations for possible amendments to the SE and SCE Regulations 3.Recommendations for future policy concerning the promotion of cooperatives in Europe with a special focus on Services Sector Conclusion
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ACTIVITIESLEADING ORGANISATION General project management and coordination (including financial administration, periodical reports, evaluation and monitoring) Kick off meeting Legacoop Servizi 5 National Workshops (preparation of Agenda, invitations, materials; Organisation; Coordination; Signatures collection; Minutes) SNS + HFMS + [BGFMA + FMI] + COCETA/CONFESAL [DIESIS] Coordination meeting (Budapest)HFMS General coordination of dissemination activities Open Seminar EU level (Brussels) DIESIS
TIMETABLE DATEVENUETYPE OF EVENT 13/01/2015Rome (IT)Kick off meeting 14/01/2015Rome (IT)National training and information workshop 28/04/2015Budapest (HU)- National training and information workshop - Coordination meeting 09/07/2015Madrid (ES)National training and information workshop - Informal coordination meeting 08/10/2015Athens (GR)National training and information workshop - Informal coordination meeting 21/01/2016Sofia (BG)National training and information workshop - Informal coordination meeting 23/04/2016Brussels (BE)Open EU-level seminar 24/04/2016Brussels (BE)Closure meeting
MULTIPLIER EFFECT, DISSEMINATION AND COMMUNICATION PLAN Official website of the EI for FM project – Project’s activities dissemination through partners’ official websites Publication of the Study and Policy Recommendations Training modules available online on the project’s website EI for FM newsletter E FFECTIVE DISSEMINATION STRATEGY : Under the general coordination of Eu-level partner DIESIS Each partner responsible for disseminating the activities, results and materials through its professional network Each partner responsible for the organisation of National workshop and Indofay: detection and involvement of national Stakeholders (previously identified through Stakeholder List and Map)
Many thanks! Enrico Libera SNS FOUNDATION Mobile Skype: enrico.libera1 Valeria Puletti SNS FOUNDATION Mobile Skype: valeria.puletti Simona Cicconi LEGACOOP SERVIZI Mobile Skype: legacoopservizi