GCE Environmental Technology June 2013 Environmental Technology Information Event For New Centres
Agenda Why was it developed Environmental Technology Team Structure Overview of Specification Structure Teaching specialisms which may be required for specification Talk through of Specification and Specimen Assessment Materials Suggested structure of the teaching year Facilities & Resources Support to date Support 2013/2014 List A2 Fact files 3 rd Level & Other Feedback
Why Part of the entitlement framework CCEA consulted with all relevant stakeholders Response to industry requirements Response to centre feedback Response to FE/HE feedback Environmental Technology identified as viable subject
Team Environmental Technology Team Judith Ryan Subject Officer Nuala Braniff Specification Support Officer Exam Chair of Examiners Chief Examiner Principal Examiner * 2 (Recruitment for 1 ongoing) Reviser * 2 (Recruitment ongoing) Scrutineer * 2 (Recruitment ongoing) Examiners (As the Subject grows people will be appointed) Coursework Principal Moderator (Recruitment ongoing) APM (Recruitment ongoing) Moderators (As the Subject grows people will be appointed)
Exam and Coursework Team responsible for AS and A2 Exam Chair of Examiners Chief Examiner Principal Examiner * 2 Reviser * 2 Scrutineer * 2 Team responsible for AS and A2 Coursework Chair of Examiners Chief Examiner Principal Moderator Reviser * 2 Scrutineer * 2
Environmental Technology ContentAssessmentWeightingAvailability Unit AS 1: The Earth’s Capacity to Support Human Activity Unit AS 2: Renewable Energy Technologies Unit A2 1: Building and Managing a Sustainable Future Unit A2 2: Environmental Building Performance and Measurement External paper - 1 hr 30 mins - 75 marks Technical Report - Internally marked - Externally moderated - 50 marks External paper - 2 hrs marks Technical Report - Internally marked - Externally moderated - 50 marks 50% of AS 25% of A Level 50% of AS 25% of A Level Every Summer
Specialism of teachers We suggest that the following teacher specialisms or a blend of these may be required to teach the specification: Geography; Social Science; Science; and Technology
Specification and SAMs
Suggested structure of the teaching year Blend of coursework and teaching of theory Theory which needs to be covered before coursework commences Suggested allocation of time to the course Suggested number of periods per week Time required for coursework
Facilities and Resources Suggested facilities and resources which may be required to complete aspects of the specification: Access to a computer suite Science equipment and laboratory
Support developed to date: To date CCEA has developed and uploaded to the Environmental Technology micro-site: Scheme of Work for Unit AS 1: The Earth’s Capacity to Support Human Activity (See copy in pack) Environmental Technology Student Guide (See copy in pack) AS and A2 Coursework Candidate Record Sheets (See copies in pack) AS Fact Files (See copies in pack) Carbon Trading Carbon Trading Energy from Wind Energy from Wind Global Action on Energy Global Action on Energy Microgeneration Microgeneration Power Generation Power Generation Reliance on Fossil Fuels Reliance on Fossil Fuels Sustainable Manufacture and Use of Plastics Sustainable Manufacture and Use of Plastics Vodcast with Kingspan promoting the industry and the specification (See Environmental Technology microsite) The Environmental Technology Internal Assessment Task for Unit AS 2 Assessing Renewable Energy Technologies for Submission in the Summer of 2014 (See copy in pack)
Information events and Support events (7 th and 8 th November 2013) Customised Support Visits (Carried out on request from centres) Agreement Trial in October 2014 Remaining Fact files for AS 1 Macrogeneration Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Biomass Counting The Cost of Reliance on Fossil Fuels Pollution and Plastics Production of Plastics Production of Bioderived Polythene Scheme of Work: A2 1 Fact files A2 1 Identification of further support by Subject Officer and Environmental Team Support 2013/2014
List of Fact Files: A2 1 The following are a list of A2 1 fact files currently in development: Landfill Sustainable living Transport System Challenges U values Code for Sustainable Homes Emerging Technologies – wave and tidal power Emerging Technologies – smart materials and systems Emerging Technologies – carbon capture and storage Bioremediation Biohydrometallurgy Photoextraction Hydrogen Cell Opportunities It is expected that these will be completed prior to September 2014
Third Level Feedback Queens University Belfast: Ref to your clarification Ref Env Technology, I can confirm you that it will be considered as another acceptable subject for entry to civil engineering (any pathway). If you require further information pls contact me directly via preferably University of Ulster: CCEA's new A-level 'Environmental Technology' was recently brought to my attention. This course has many elements that echo the BEng degree offered by the School of the Built Environment in Energy and Building Services Engineering. At present this course is struggling to recruit sufficient students to meet the demand of industry. We would be keen to work with schools that are offering this new A-level to provide students with a route through higher education to the jobs market. Would it be possible for us to have a list of schools that are commencing offering this programme from this September? We may be able to offer them visiting speakers and even help with practical laboratories. We also have links with a number of the regional colleges who offer University of Ulster foundation degrees in this subject area, whose graduates have the opportunity to transfer to the full honours degree programme offered at Jordanstown. We are hoping that this course will bridge the disconnect that currently exists between schools and ourselves which leaves us with a programme that produces highly employable graduates without any students. ………….. In terms of accepting the course, we are at present re-considering our entry requirements. Our main issue is a need for numerate and literate students who know how to direct their learning. At present our engineering courses require Mathematics as there is a need for students to be able to handle complicated formula etc. However we realise that this limits application numbers. At the least I expect some of the course directors to add it to the list of courses that they accept, for example at present we ask for Maths and one from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Technology or Engineering. ET would become one of the required 2nd subjects.
Other Feedback Eco-Schools Northern Ireland: I am a Project officer with Eco-Schools Northern Ireland, it is our aim to support and encourage Eco-Schools to combine learning and action to improve their environmental performance. It is our hope to develop Case Study material for use in GCSE Geography and GCE Environmental Technology. We have in partnership with SSE Renewable and Airtricity sourced information linked to Planning, Construction, Environment, Productivity and Community with opportunities for pupils to comprehensively evaluate the benefits and problems of this renewable energy resource. It is our aim to engage pupils with information that is up-to-date, impactful, comprehensive and relevant. We have recently organised a number of Wind Farm visits and through meeting pupils studying GCE Environmental Technology introduced them to the Site Operations Team at Bessy Bell, Omagh. I would really appreciate your advice as to ways we could best support schools or material we could develop to support the pupils and staff within Eco-Schools Northern Ireland.
Programme Manager Support: Doon Storey Tel: Subject Specification Officer: Nuala Braniff Tel: Ext Subject Officer: Judith Ryan Tel: Ext Contacts