Sally Campbell –Programme Director Emma Turner –Programme Manager
What are we here for ? Supporting the NHS and its delivery partners in the North West to provide safe,effective and value for money services by reducing the time taken to recruit and induct NHS staff and in doing so improving their experience and meeting their expectations of the NHS as modern attractive employer
◦ Aim: to reduce the time taken to recruit and induct NHS staff ◦ Initiatives focussed on: consistency of approach in pre-employment processes consistency of approach in Learning and Development utilising Core Skills Programme e.g. induction and care certification
£5m of staff time saved through improved Statutory and Mandatory Training Compliance rates up from 60% to 83% Time to hire reduced (in some cases by up to 33 working days) 84% of trusts now deliver Statutory and Mandatory training in alignment with the CSTF Improved data flow for Junior Doctors Currently on track to deliver a regional saving of £15m per year and has now identified new savings that could generate £140m of annual savings across the region.
North West Starting Point 39 of the 41 Trusts aligned to Core skills to varying degrees 9/10 Higher Education Institutions, > approx. 100 GP practices piloting All use ESR connecting to least 20 HR IT systems 75% Utilising the OLM data demonstrates variation and potential to improve utilisation of existing systems HOW DO WE INCREASE CONSISTENCY AND ALIGNMENT ????
How can ESR be used to support the work ? Steven Gregg-Rowbury
Applicant created in ESR Conditional Offer Pre-Employment Checks Assessment of training history. Induction planned Unconditional Offer Employee Starts work IAT Requested Checks interfaced from 3 rd party solution Any missing data input into ESR OH Clear person for work Recruitment informed in ESR Immunity Data sent to OH Previous Training Records sent to L&D Standard References Received in Recruitment Notifications to relevant parties Employee Account Created Applicant is hired into post via Manager or HR Previous salary details received so new contracts can be sent Business Intelligence reports to track missing checks
Focus and scope Pre-employment checks opportunities include DBS References Occupational Health ID checks Qualifications Alerts Database Pay data (inc. protection/progression) Not all are supported by ESR currently !
What and how do we measure/baseline ? Movement of staff – need starter source and destination on leaving reports DBS – who pays ? What are the costs ? how often do you recheck ? Who’s using the update service? References – what do you use now ? factual references ? What would you want to share? OH – what do you do now ? What would you want to share ?
Focus and scope Learning and Development opportunities include Core skills at on-boarding/pre hire not Induction Care certification and other new frameworks MVA training Resuscitation level 2 Widen the comprehensive NHS staff groups e.g. primary care (not doing so may cause unexpected/unplanned barriers to change Widen the programme to include the Integration Programmes
Establishment of governance arrangements Secured funding for 2016/17 Initial engagement and communications with key stakeholders Established programme resource-programme Director,programme manager,programme team Lessons learnt from other Regions Identified a locally driven approach to workforce streamlining Establish commitment to the programme – including commitment to realising the benefits of Core Skills alignment
Gain your agreement to sharing data with the programme office Map out the interdependencies and agree the approach for the programme delivery Introduce the programme resource Commence the scoping phase of the programme Hold a launch event – April 2016
The Project Managers for the sub regional areas are; Mark Burke – Cumbria and Lancashire - Stella Abbinante - Cheshire and Merseyside - Jennifer Roland - Greater Manchester,