LEAD EMPLOYER TRUST (LET) Linsey Richards – Head of HR Laura Dodds – Deputy Head of HR Waterfront 4, Newburn Riverside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE15 8NY Tel: resources /
About the LET Commissioned by the HEENE to carry out all recruitment for Specialty Trainees (with the exception of General Practice Trainees). Contract with CDDFT until 31 March 2018 Employs Specialty Trainees on behalf of all host Training Trusts in the region and GP Specialty Trainees. Arrangement avoids trainees having to be issued with separate contracts of employment when rotating between Training Trusts Recharge arrangement within the department to ensure accurate and timely recharge to Host Training Trusts for trainees salaries and out of hours.
Recruitment & Employment Team Recruitment and selection for Specialty trainees being employed by the LET National MMC Guidance, College Guidance, Lead Deanery Guidance etc Adverts, Job Descriptions, Application forms Arrangements for all Assessment Centres to ensure compliance with employment law and Department of Health guidance Intrepid Pathway Recruitment & Selection Training Pre-Employment Checks including CRB, OH, References, GMC, Immigration, Identity, Qualifications Rotations Communications with Host Training Trusts Process Leave (Special, Maternity, Paternity, Carers) Termination of Employment Disciplinary Matters, Serious untoward incidents Grievances Employment Tribunal
The LET role in ARCP The LET are there as the trainees employer we are not a panel member, we are there as an advisor The LET ensure the trainee has been treat fairly and is supported throughout the process LET representation should be on all potential adverse ARCP outcome panels (outcome 3’s & 4’s) The LET manage trainees employment once outcome 4 awarded and a unsuccessful appeal takes place
Doctor in Difficulty Raising Concerns SI’s, Patient Complaints Other areas of concern: Use of Social Media Bullying & Harassment (LET employee v’s Host Training Trust) Maintaining High Professional Standards Framework Potential outcomes Support for the trainee and trainer
Occupational Health Support Service Trainees sickness must be reported to the LET by the Host Training Trust or TPD, where appropriate the Managing Attendance policy will be used The LET are responsible for referring trainees with Health issues to Occupational Health Trainees must agree to the referral, a report will be received from OH and a meeting will take place with the trainee and any adjustment information will be shared with relevant parties (Host Trust and/or TPD). Information on trainees personal health conditions will not be disclosed Any Educational Support referrals are managed by Specialty Training and referred to the same service provider
Other LET Recruitment & Employment Roles Attendance at School Board Meeting’s & School Training Committees Quarterly Review Group meetings held with representatives from all Host Training Trusts Attendance at school inductions Organising yearly Recruitment Fair LET Conference twice per year
Thank you for your time, we look forward to working with you!