Highlights of critical agreements Consolidated outputs for session 6 / 7 / 8
Our top 5 areas of work… 1. Labour Migration Policy 2. Pre-employment and recruitment regulations laws / practices for businesses codes of conducts 3. Rights of Migrants organizations for protection of rights 4. Re-integration of migrants 5. Cooperation among multiple stakeholders
The niche of AP-MagNet is being… “An Asia Pacific Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Migration and Anti-Human Trafficking“
Top 5 topics for discussion in year 1… 1. How to improve better regulation and monitoring of recruitment agencies e.g. codes of conducts? 2. How to promote trade unions rights among migrant workers? 3. How do we promote positive attitudes towards migrant workers? 4. How do we factor migration in local development plans? 5. What is the bargaining power of sending states to influence the policies of receiving states?
Top 5 products for AP-MagNet to consider… 1. Awareness campaign 2. Collection of success stories 3. Roster of experts / pool of specialist 4. Matrix of reintegration programs in the region 5. Guidelines on the related / selected areas of work
Top 5 services rendered to CoP members… 1. Provision of advisory / technical services 2. Deployment of dedicated facilitator for AP-MagNet 3. Establishment of a virtual / central knowledge depository 4. Moderation of scheduled discussions (in our agreed topics for discussion) 5. Managing the AP-MagNet knowledge depository – d issemination of information and good practices among members (sharing)
AP-MagNet membership growth: options… Targeted membership – founding members can continuously recommend new members to register online: allows for a regular flow of new members (membership is approved by facilitator)…
AP-MagNet: web address Don’t leave without it!