Year 2 New Curriculum and SATs information.
The purpose of this meeting is: to share with you expectations of the new curriculum and the impact this has had on the SATs tests your child will be doing in Year 2 (May/June). to show you some exemplification materials so that you have a clear understanding of what your child is expected to be able to do. to give you guidance on how you can support your child as much as possible.
The New Curriculum As from September your child has been working on the new curriculum objectives which are a step up from the previous curriculum. These objectives were shared with you at our first parents evening.
The Government have produced interim assessment documents that your child will be measured against. Whereas in the past, these judgement would be a best fit, your child now has to meet every objective to meet national expectations. The following slides show you the assessment targets.
The most worrying of these objectives is your child being expected to read at a rate of over 90 words per minute out loud. You can help by doing this at home. Literally timing how many words your child can read in one minute. We cannot stress enough the importance of your child reading at home every night, if possible, and you asking them questions about the text, especially inference questions. Inference
Inference: is an interpretation that goes beyond the literal information given. Deduction: is an understanding based on the evidence given in the text. e.g. the police find a body with a knife sticking out of it. They can deduce that the person has probably been murdered. They could infer that someone didn’t like that person.
We want our children to become Reading Detectives
Reading SATs Paper 1 – very much like the old reading paper. A piece of text followed by 2 questions. One is usually a tick box, multiple choice question and then something copied or written. All in the one book. Paper 2 – 2 separate books. A reading book and an answer booklet. Similar to old level 3. BUT- all children have to do both papers. Once complete the government will give a standardised score.
There will be work on poetry and it is important that children understand the meaning of words and why particular words have been chosen. Therefore, when reading with your child, please check they understand the vocabulary and ask them why a specific word has been used by the author.
Have a look at the Sample papers
What you can do to help. Encourage your child to write at home using punctuation correctly. Extending sentences with and, but, because, so, when.. Presenting writing neatly with a focus on handwriting. Make sure your child learns their spellings and that you keep going over them.
Writing SAT- Teacher assessment and will based on work in books completed across the curriculum. In addition to this your child will have to sit a spelling test and a SPAG test. We have been working on this in school and will now be sending out short tasks with homework.
SPAG sample paper
SAT Papers Paper 1 – Arithmatic 25 questions to be completed without any support materials Paper 2- reasoning paper with support materials
Paper 2 - Reasoning
What you can do to help Provide your child with opportunities to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations, including those with missing numbers. Apply this to real life problems. Learn times tables and number facts Name 2d and 3d shapes and be able to describe their properties Ask your child to explain their thinking and ask them to show you how they solved a question.