Return to Normalcy P-21 The Roaring Twenties!
Warren G. Harding 29 th president Republican “I don't know much about Americanism, but it's a damn good word with which to carry an election.”
Return to Normalcy!
Results of the 1920 presidential election
I. Normalcy in Government A election of Warren G. Harding and the simpler days before the war -Isolationist Policies return B.-Washington Conferences proposed disarmament OF THE US!!!!! C. -Kellogg-Briand Treaty, 1929 outlawed war -prohibited the use of war as "an instrument of national policy."war
I. Normalcy in Government D. -New high tariff returned U.S. to isolationist position E. -Nativist policies -discriminatory quota system established, not allowing any immigrants from S & E Europe, Japan National Origins Act, 1921: limited 150,000 immigrants entering the U.S. Each year
National Origins Act, 1921:
SKIPPING a Few slides.. Will return
II. The Red Scare A. -Palmer Raids - Hunted down suspected Commies & Anarchist Mitchell Palmer J.Edgar Hoover: Creation of the FBI! violations of civil liberties
II. The Red Scare B. -Sacco and Vanzetti anarchist immigrants accused of murder of a factory pay master and executed by electric chair May 1920 C. -Growth of the Klan “Keep America for Americans”-attitude – 100% Americanism 1924, 4.5 million members, all white males *Found Anti-Communism as an excuse to HARASS any group unlike themselves * Paid to recruit new members into their world of secret rituals & racial Violence, dominated a lot of S politics
II. The Red Scare
III. Harding and Coolidge -Prosperity returns to the United States With President Warren G. Harding 1. -Harding made some good and bad appointment choices Herbert Hoover :Sec of Commerce= Good Ohio Gang : Cabinet of poker playing buddies= BAD!
III. Harding and Coolidge 2. -Teapot Dome Scandal Government owned oil rich lands were leased out to private oil companies for far less than their value: -*Albert B Fall made $400,000 from it, -1 st man convicted of a Felony while holding a cabinet position. -*Harding and administration are embarrassed “ *I have no trouble with my Enemies,.. But my.. Friends, they’re the ones that keep my walking the floor at nights!”
III. Harding and Coolidge 2. -Teapot Dome Scandal - *Shortly after Harding dies in Office and Calvin Coolidge replaces him and wins re-election- Restored faith in American Gov’t & Republican Party “Keep Cool with Coolidge” – Republican Party “Do Nothing Cal”
Harding and Coolidge -Harding dies in Office and Calvin Coolidge replaces him and wins re- election “Keep Cool with Coolidge” – “Do Nothing Cal”
Calvin Coolidge 30 th president Republican 4/5ths of all of our problems will go away if you stop talking about them
IV. Labor Unrest -working conditions, for some had not gotten any better -wartime inflation, =higher prices -technological unemployment *Strikes were not allowed during war -strikes 1. Boston Police strike (Strike over wages, Gov Coolidge called in Nat’l Guard & became a hero) 2. U.S. Steel strike* 3. Coal Miners Strike* John L. Lewis *Will need to look up before next test.
Boston Police Strike 1919
Communists – economic & political System, based on a single party Gov’t, ruled by a dictator In order to equalize wealth & power, Communism would put an end to Private Property & substitute Gov’t Ownership of businesses In order to equalize wealth & power, Communism would put an end to Private Property & substitute Gov’t Ownership of businesses *Followers of Lenin & the Bolshevik Revolutions, waved their red flags and called themselves the REDs, and cried for a worldwide Revolution *Followers of Lenin & the Bolshevik Revolutions, waved their red flags and called themselves the REDs, and cried for a worldwide Revolution
The Red Scare - Russian Revolution, 1917 Vladimir Lenin & “The Bolsheviks” Communists – economic & political System, based on a single party Gov’t, ruled by a dictator cry of worldwide revolution -Red Scare : fear that communism would upset the capitalist order in the US, & take overcommunismcapitalist U.S. Communist Party, IWW (Industrial Workers of the World)
The Red Scare -Russian Revolution, 1917 Vladimir Lenin Communists cry of worldwide revolution -Red Scare U.S. Communist Party, IWW
The Red Scare -Russian Revolution, 1917 Vladimir Lenin Communists cry of worldwide revolution -Red Scare U.S. Communist Party, IWW
Interesting events….
Indian Citizenship Act of 1924
“I do not choose to run for president in 1928”
Interesting facts Pet raccoon named Rebecca Pet raccoon named Rebecca Strange sense of humor Strange sense of humor Exercised in the White House with Mechanical Bull! Exercised in the White House with Mechanical Bull! Liked Vaseline in his hair Liked Vaseline in his hair First president born on July 4 th First president born on July 4 th
Mount Rushmore begins-1927
Ponzi scheme Charles Ponzi Charles Ponzi
Race issue Was he a member of the KKK? Was he a member of the KKK? He was first president to publicly denounce KKK in south! He was first president to publicly denounce KKK in south! Ancestor rumors? Harding was the great- grandson of a black woman? Ancestor rumors? Harding was the great- grandson of a black woman?
Conservatives to the courts
KDKA in Pittsburgh 1 st Radio Station 1 st Radio Station
Interesting Facts Interesting Facts First to hold White House press conferences First to hold White House press conferences First to visit Alaska First to visit Alaska Lost valuable White House china in a poker game! Lost valuable White House china in a poker game!
References References Ap Study Slide Share Harding Home and Museum, Marion, OH