Kind of 1
“ Revolution of 1800”- democratic and peaceful transition of power- wow – JA defeated Kept the financial plan Removed the Alien and Sedition Act Reduced the size of the debt, army Louisiana Purchase strict interpretation of the Constitution?- nation of farmers J Marshall, S Court- increased power of the SC Marbury v Madison 1803 – “judicial review” 2
Tripoli War Barbary Pirates- Semper fi Embargo Act no trade, big mistake opposed by NE Federalists Sent US into severe economic depression Forced US to rely on their own industry Non-Intercourse Act Awkward? Repealed the Embargo Act- trade with all nations except GB and France 3
Strong nationalism after War of 1812 Death of the Federalists- one party system (D-R) Look west Henry Clay’s “American system”- Bank of US, Tariffs, internal improvements Florida purchase 1819 Monroe Doctrine
Two party system Whigs- (Clay) northern industry Democrats (Jackson)- common folk, states rights, spoils sys Kill the Bank of the US Spoils System Kitchen Cabinet More democratic? Reforms-abolition, women, temperance, public ed 5
Missouri Compromise 1820 Mo, Maine, 36’’30’ Jefferson- “fireball in the night” Texas independence Whigs oppose annexation Regionalization NE industry, Ind. Rev., transportations sys, tariffs South- no tariffs, defends slavery West breadbasket- tied to the east 6
Mexican Cession 1848 Compromise of 1850 Gadsden Purchase 1853 Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 Dred Scott 1857 John Brown, Harper’s Ferry VA 1859 Election of
Second Great Awakening-salvation through public revivals, birth of new denominations; stimulated reform movements Abolitionism Temperance Women’s Movements 1848 Seneca Falls, Anthony, Stanton Women to college Property ownership Public Education- publicly funded 8
War Hawks want expansion as early as War of 1812 Convention of US border with Canada Adams-Onis Treaty 1819 Florida Missouri Comp 1820 Black Hawk War 1832 Indian Removal Act 1830 Cherokee v Georgia 1831 Trail of Tears 9
Texas Annexation 1845 Oregon Trail 1840s Oregon Country Treaty 1848 Mexican War Mexico won’t sell California- Polk pissed Z Taylor invades- Battle of Buena Vista Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848 Gadsden Purchase 1853 Alaska Treaty
E Whitney Cotton Gin Missouri Comp Nat Turner Rebellion 1831 Abolition? – TJ “we have a wolf by the ears” American Colonization Society W L Garrison, The Liberator 1831 Grimke sisters- Angelina and Sarah Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World- D Walker 1829 F Douglas Uncle Tom’s Cabin – HB Stowe 1852 Underground RR- Harriet Tubman 11
Gag Rule- congress bans talk of emancipation in 1836 Wilmot Proviso ban slavery in Mex Cession- not passed Comp of 1850-Cal/Fugitive slave law/DC/pop sov in Mex Cession Kan-Neb- S Douglas wants a RR Bleeding Kansas- civil war in Kansas- free soilers vs. pro-slavers- J Brown Preston Brooks beats Charles Sumner in congress Birth of Republican Party- oppose expansion of slavery Lincoln-Douglas Debates 1858 Establishes Lincoln as a national candidate, validates the Rep party Dred Scott- not a citizen Election of last straw for South, SC secedes first April 14 th 1861 Ft Sumter, SC 12
Anaconda Plan- blockade, Miss, Richmond First Bull Run fist land battle Shiloh, TN Grant wins Antietam Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation Gettysburg 1863, turning point Vicksburg 1863 Union controls the Mississippi Grant’s drive to Richmond Appomattox Lee surrenders Lincoln assassinated by J W Booth April