STATE OF ALASKA FISHERY LANDING & VALUE Year: 2011 Species: All species combined Pounds:5.3 billion lbs. Ex- vessel value $1.89 billion First wholesale value in excess of $3.0 billion 54.2% of the nation’s fishery landings for 2011 came from the State of Alaska, and 13% of that amount came from Unalaska.
Bering Sea Groundfish Biomass, OFL, ABC, TAC, Catch
53.8% 1.8% 27.4% 11.6% 2.9% 0.5%
BSAI Harvest Sectors Fishery & Number of Vessels Sector/ Gear/Size Species FishedEstimated Number of Vessels Trawl At Sea Processors CP’s Pollock, Pacific Cod,Yellowfin Sole17 Trawl /H/G AM 80 CP’s Pacific Cod, Yellowfin, Mackerel, POP, Rockfish, Rock Sole and other Misc.Sole 23 Freezer Longline CP’sPacific Cod, Black Cod, Skate,30 Trawl CV’sPollock, Pacific Cod, Yellowfin Sole75 Pot CV’s 60’>All Crab Species, Pacific Cod, Sablefish70-80 Pot CP’sAll Crab Species, Pacific Cod, Sablefish6 Fixed Gear CV’s 60’<Pacific Cod, Halibut, Sablefish, Crab25 Longline CV’s 60’>Halibut, Sablefish, Pacific Cod60 Jig GearPacific Cod, Mackerel4-6 Seiners 56’<Pink Salmon, Pacific Herring3-6
SEASONAL OPENINGS FOR GROUNDFISH, CRAB, HALIBUT SALBEFISH IFQ FISHERIES Bering Sea Groundfish quotas – 2 million metric ton cap. Pollock quotas broken out by A season Jan 20 th 40% of the allocation and B season Jun 10 th 60% of the allocation. Pacific Cod quotas broken out by various sectors by A, B, C, seasons. Jan 20 th -Nov 1 st trawl Jan 1 st -Dec 31 st Fixed gear Bottom trawl fisheries Mackerel, Sole, POP, Turbot and Rockfish fisheries Jan 20 th – Nov 1 st Bering Sea Crab, Aug 15th Aleutian Islands Golden King Oct 15th Red King, Bairdi Tanner, Opilio Snow Crab St Matthew Blue King Fisheries through May31st Halibut and Sablefish IFQ March 23-November 7 th
Eastern Bering Sea Pollock (Million Metric Tons ) AreaYearBiomassOFLABCTACCatch Eastern Bering Sea 20119,620,00 0 1,450,0001,270,0001,252,0001,199, ,340,00 0 2,470,0001,220,0001,186,0001,202, ,140,0002,550,0001,375,0001,247,0001,064,100° 20148,080,00 0 2,730,0001,430,0001,247,000N/A °Catch thru
Growth of Pollock Fishery in Alaska YEARPOLLOCK CATCH (POUNDS) EX- VESSEL VALUE Million$148, Billion$323,000,000 TOTAL POUNDS Billion TOTAL VALUE $4.5 Billion
BSAI TAC and Harvest Amounts for 2013 SpeciesTAC (MT)PoundsCatch thru % Taken Pollock1,266,0002,785,200,0001,064,652MMT84% Pacific Cod260,000572,000,000170,737MT65% Yellowfin Sole198,000435,600,00093,507MT47% Rock Sole92,380204,416,00053,444MT58% POP35,10077,220,00026,479MT74% Mackerel25,92057,024,00014,885MT56% Red King Crab3,5007,700,0007,700,000 lbs. (2012) 100% Brown King Crab 2,8626,300,0006,300,000lbs.100% Snow Crab30,00066,000,00066,000,000lbs.100% Halibut9,91323,100,00015,000,000 lbs.71% Sablefish12,72728,013,00019,800,000 lbs.72%
Major BSAI Crab Species Catch and Value
Value by Major Species 2011 Groundfish 51% Halibut 14% Herring 1% Salmon 22% Shellfish 12% Total Ex-Vessel Value: $1.89 Billion
Groundfish BSAI Offshore Landings by Species 2012(MT) 11,386
Arctic Management Area
Arctic Issues Research Funding – ecosystem changes, climate, renewable resources, marine mammals, and subsistence needs. Support and fund US Coast Guard mission- enforcement, icebreakers, navigation aids, and mapping. Transportation and shipping-development of new polar shipping routes, seasonal tug and barge freight service supporting local development, and increased vessel traffic.
Arctic Issues Resource Development - that it is done with environmental safe guards are in place. Coordination on development projects with all federal, state, local agencies, and stakeholders groups. Fisheries research- continued support for Arctic stock assessments and surveys for fish stocks, birds, and marine mammals. Monitor and support research on Ocean acidification which could threaten the long term health Alaska's fish stocks. As we move forward we must not forget the needs of the Southern Bering Sea areas, for surveys, research and enforcement. This area which supports the nations largest fisheries and is critically important to the Seafood Industry, Fishery dependent communities in Alaska, the State of Alaska and the Nation.
NOAA Biomass Estimates for Key Species in the Beaufort and Chukchi Sea Regions 2009 Individual Fish SpeciesChukchi (MT)Beaufort (MT)Grand Total (MT) Arctic Cod27,21115,21742,339 Saffron Cod4,6050 Bering Flounder1, ,234 Pacific Herring1,29800 Sculpin Marbled Eelpout9631,5822,544 Arctic Sculpin Canadian Eelpout ,272 Walleye Pollock Pacific Cod Alaska Plaice560 Yellowfin Sole170 Greenland Turbot TOTAL38,81618,28157,097
NOAA Biomass Estimates for Key Species in the Beaufort and Chukchi Sea Regions 2009 Individual Invertebrate Species ChukchiBeaufortGrand Total (MT) Snow Crab (Opilio)66,49129,73196,222 Exploitable Opilio Biomass06,571 Circumboreal Toad Crab5, ,949 Notched Brittlestar993115,821116,814 Red King Crab360 Blue King Crab28588 Misc. Invertebrates636,92076,178,713,098 Total Fish Biomass44,81518,83163,646 Total Invertebrate Biomass709,931227,662937,098 Total Biomass709,931227,662937,098
Bering Sea Canyons
February on the Bering Sea