The Vietnam War Years Section 2
U.S. Involvement Escalates Policy was to confront Communism anywhere in the world. Robert McNamara – Secretary of Defense Dean Rusk – Secretary of State General William Westmoreland By end of 1965, 180,000 U.S. troops in Vietnam. By 1967, that number climbed to about 500,000.
The War in the Jungle Vietcong did not have high- powered weaponry like U.S. Hit-and-run and ambush tactics Keen knowledge of jungle terrain Destroyed idea of frontline by attacking U.S. troops anywhere U.S. troops couldn’t distinguish between civilian and military personnel – boys, women, farmers, etc. Booby traps and land mines Elaborate tunnels providing the way to launch surprise attacks
The U.S. Strategy War of attrition Destroy morale by continual harassment The Battle for “hearts and minds” Vietcong hide among the people. If you win support of the people, they have nowhere to hide. Expose tunnels and hideouts Agent Orange – leaf-killing toxic chemical to destroy landscape Napalm – gasoline-based bombs that set fire to jungle Search-and-destroy missions – uprooting villages to find Vietcong
Sinking U.S. Morale Guerilla warfare Brutal jungle conditions Failure to make substantial headway Continued corruption and instability in South Vietnamese government Enemy prison camps – “Hanoi Hilton” Soldiers lost conviction; turned to alcohol, drugs, and even murder
War at Home Nation’s economy suffered Inflation rate nearly tripled Took money away from “Great Society” programs “Living Room War” – first war to show combat footage on nightly news Credibility gap – gap between what was told to Americans and what was actually happening Americans begin to doubt and start to protest