Laura Bocchetti, Jiaojiao Hao, Henrique Lamounier, Larissa Sento Se Nunes, Daniel Smith
New Product: Walkman Organizational Culture Sony Internal Network and Communication Leadership 1. Based on Sony’s success what characteristics of team organization are optimal for project success? 2. What organizational barriers did Sony have in place that prevented them from reaching the Walkman breakthrough sooner? 3. In what ways did the chairman of Sony influence the production of the Walkman?
Organizational Culture: The workplace environment: Interaction among employees. Defined by all of the life experiences, strengths, weaknesses, education of the employees. The leaders play a important role in defining organizational culture! Leadership: The process of providing general direction and influencing individual or groups to achieve goals 1. Setting the directions Strategic planning 2. organizational management Constantly supervision 3. Changes Creativity and innovation
Internal Social Network and Communication A process by which activities of and organization are collected and coordinated to achieve the goals of both individuals and collective groups. Interaction among people who are part of the organization. A network of social interactions and personal relationships (Oxford Dictionary) The power of managing connections between people: Social Network Innovation Access to information Decision Making Integration Informal Structure
Devotion to work and company Hierarchy Mentoring
1. Workers in Sony Japan are expected to work late hours much as they would in other Japanese companies. 2. They dedicate themselves to the advancement of the team. 3. There is a sense of family and/or missionary zeal.
Loyalty to the company is a value that is cultivated at all levels of organization. There is no secret ingredient or hidden formula responsible for the success of the best Japanese companies. No theory or plan or government policy will make a business a success; that can only be done by people. The most important mission for a Japanese manager is to develop a healthy relationship with his employees, to create a family-like feeling with the corporation, a feeling that employees and managers share the same fate. Morita
Management and staff of the company adhere to formal hierarchical relationships, including the mentoring of junior subordinates by senior level staff. A strong sense of organizational hierarchy and consensus building characterize decision making of the company.
Walkman time Different sectors working within their limits; Low communication between different departments; Headphone Cassette player Walkman
New management structure Different sectors working on their products; Management group: Composed by a leader and heads of departments; Designed to: Establish communication among sectors; Manage integrated work;
Corrects some of the greatest past problems; Lack of communication among sectos; Disconnected products; Lack of work integration; Leadership team Establish how sectors would work; Sectors don't need to communicate directly
1. New Group Headquarters to Function as Hub for Group Strategy 2. Electronics Businesses Strengthened: Pursuing a Ubiquitous Value Network 3. Network-Based Content Distribution: Key for Entertainment Business and Financial Services
Management 1 Interpersonal relationship 2 Leadership motivation 3 Courage & Determination 4
Management Create conditions where persons could come together in a spirit of teamwork Create a family-like feeling within the corporation Create a feeling that employees and managers share the same fate
Leadership motivation Money is not the most effective tool People work for satisfaction Atmosphere of free discussion
Interpersonal relationship He not only made it Sony's business but his own personal business to become intimately acquainted with American society at all levels. Peter Peterson(an investment banker):”I can recall playing golf with Akio, watching him greet and interact with every American C.E.O. on the course, all of whom seemed to know him as a personal friend”
Courage & Determination willing to challenge traditional Japanese norms if it meant progress (Its name) To persuade the engineers to develop the Walkman, Morita was even willing to put his job on the line. To be fully effective in America, Morita realized that he needs to immerse himself in the culture and made the courageous step to uproot his entire family there.
The Japanese hard work style commitment helped them to achieve success Morita’s leadership was fundamental to the success of the Walkman project The organizational structure at Sony and how they communicate inside the company changed after the Walkman
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