H2P Consortium: Transforming Health Career Educational Pathways DOL Convening Marianne Krismer Ed.D. National Director, H2P Consortium “This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grants as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration”
The Vision: “The H2P Consortium will dramatically improve health professions training via career pathways and the development of core curriculum and core credentials.” “Individually we Innovate Collectively we Transform”
H2P Consortium Community Colleges: Anoka Ramsey Community College – Coon Rapids MN Ashland Community and Technical College – Ashland KY City Colleges of Chicago – Chicago IL Cincinnati State Technical and Community College – OH El Centro College – Dallas TX Jefferson Community and Technical College – Louisville, KY Owens Community College, Toledo OH Pine Technical College – Pine MN Texarkana College – Texarkana TX Partners: I-Seek, Minneapolis MN – Technical Assistance Office of Community College Research and Leadership – University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana- Evaluators National Association of Workforce Boards National Network of Two Year Health Programs Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM – Technical Assistance “Individually we Innovate, Collectively we Transform”
The 8 H2P Strategies - Building Blocks to Reform Healthcare Training 1.Prior Learning Assessment and Career Guidance 2.Contextualized Education 3.Competency-based Core Curriculum 4.Industry Recognized Stackable Credentials 5.Enhanced Retention Support 6.Training programs for Incumbent Health Professions Workers 7.Enhanced Data and Accountability Systems 8.Galvanizing a National Movement to Improve Health Professions Training
H2P Colleges Implementing the Pathway Model with Industry Collaboration ACT Work Keys Assessments, including National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC). Nationally recognized, evidenced based portable credential. NCRC – over 4,000 credentials earned by participants with silver being predominant. Intrusive Academic Advising, Preadmission, program of study and employment support and services. Over 6500 new students served since Spring 12. Prior Learning Assessments completed with participants. 363 students granted credit hours, classes avoided
Enhancing Employer/WIB Relationships Industry Recognized Stackable Credentials Community College/Community Collaboration Creating Jobs that meet industry needs Building skill sets through credentials Training programs for Incumbent Health Professions Workers School at Work Grow Your Own
Career Literacy & Pathways to Employment Comprehensive system of intake, assessment, guidance and planning prior to formal academic work Innovative remediation and readiness supports Completion Advisors, Job Coaches, Retention Specialists Employer Engagement & Job Placement
Formal entry into Pathway: Acceptance into HPA certificate program or cohort, or having completed a minimum of 12 hours remediation/GED practice in preparation for acceptance 1. Get Ready for Work Entry Point Assessment and Referral Access Work Supports Remediation/GED 2. Secure Job Skills HPA: Complete Training for HUC, STNA, PCA Complete Certification or Degree at Cinti. State, or Miami U. Middletown Regional 3. Obtain Job at Living Wage with Benefits Hired by HCCGC or other Health Care employer Hired for Frontline Position by HCCGC employer Advanced by HCCGC Employer to Appropriate employment Potential HCCGC Participant: Unemployed Underemployed Frontline Worker Self-Selected Referral from Another CBO CBOs Educational Institutions Employers: (where appropriate) Background check NCRC+ Remedial Tutoring/SAW KeyTrain ABLE/GED WorkKeys Job Readiness Coaching Building a Foundation OH Benefit Bank Gap Funding Referral *Data entry into G*Stars Entering the Health Careers Pathway
Role of Workforce Investment Boards (WIB’s) All 9 Community Colleges are required to engage with their local and State WIB’s. Assisting with identifying Target Populations: TAA Workers, Displaced Workers and Veterans Provide guidance and input on design of education pathways Source for Labor Market Information and Trends relevant to planning education pathways to employment Create opportunities to convene key industry and community stakeholders to improve pathways for employment National Association of Workforce Board Annual Convening: March 29, 2014 “H2P and NAWB Summit: Building a Resilient Healthcare Workforce by Creating and Enhancing Workforce System- Community College Strategic Partnersh ips”
Best Practices: WIB/H2P Collaboration Anoka-Ramsey Community College – Greater Minneapolis Contractual relationship between WIB and College for on-site WIB personnel to provide intake and assessments for H2P participants. Cincinnati State Technical and Community College Launched Pathway to Employment Center and co-located with WIB to provide direct integration of services, funded with combination of grant, College, city and county funds. Owens Community College – Toledo, OH Lucas County WIB “The Source” provides ACT- National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC), College certificates and training on-site at the WIB. Pine Technical College - Pine, MN Strong relationship with WIB Employment and Training Center on-site providing direct TANF services. National Ass’n of Workforce Boards: H2P Partner – Workforce Summit March 29, 2014 at NAWB Conference
Best Practices: Employer Partnerships Cincinnati State Technical and Community College Health Careers Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati - serves to create incumbent worker training, stackable credentials and inform regional training needs. El Centro Community College – Dallas TX “Grow Your Own” incumbent worker training programs with several regional healthcare systems Jefferson Community and Technical College - Louisville KY “Grow Your Own” incumbent worker training programs with regional health care systems Stackable credentials developed based on employer needs.
Cincinnati State Pathway to Employment Center (PTEC ) PTEC actively participates in weekly WIB orientation to identify prospective participants. Actively engaged in dialogue with State and local TAA and Veteran representatives to identify participants. Intensive employment placement services, linking training/education to career goals. Assisting participants in developing critical thinking skills, employability skills, and overall job placement.
Strategy 8: Galvanizing a National Movement to Improve Health Professions Training Role of the H2P National Advisory Council Forum for dialogue with key health care stakeholders Building consensus ROI assessment– cost and quality of healthcare services Assure labor market validity Collaboration with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Dissemination – White Paper, professional publications, etc. CCTCI Scaling Plan Clinton Global Initiative Commitment
H2P National Core Curriculum Summit: May Minneapolis, MN Galvanizing a National Movement. Achieving a National Consensus on Core Curriculum in the Health Professions. H2P is the only Department of Labor supported consortia expressly designed to bring leaders from all areas of the Health Professions Education and Healthcare Delivery arenas together to collaboratively build the Healthcare Core Competencies framework to ensure HC professionals are effectively trained to deliver Consistent Competent Patient‐Centered Care: 1)across disciplines 2)across sectors 3)across institutions 4)across the country.
The H2P Health Career Training Transformation From: Education Silos based upon Courses and Curriculum To: Meaningful Programs of Study identified and validated by the Workforce Community Leading to high demand Health Care Jobs
Questions? For more information: NN2 Website: “Individually we Innovate Collectively we Transform”