Name : Sk.Rokon Uddin. Designation : Assistant Teacher. Institution : Perikhali P.U. Model Secondary School. Rampal, Bagerhat. Mobile No :
Class: Nine. (1) Subject : English. Unite : Twelve. Lesson : One. * Learning Outcome :- Participate in conversations. Exchange personal information. Present own ideas, give and ask for information
W hat do you see in the picture? (5) H ave you ever seen this scenery at your locality? W hat do the remote people generally do on the ocation of Eid ? B y what they come back home? Look at the pictures
C an you see anything under the tree? W hat are they? W hat is the function o f the roots? D o you think roots are important for trees? W hat is the roots of us? Look at this picture
What do you think about the people? Why are they hanging on the train? Where are they going? What do the people generally do on the occasion of Eid? Look at the another picture
Now we will learn “MY ROOTS” B. Read the following Text: Eid is the main religious festivals of the Muslims in Bangladesh. Eid means happiness. Everyone wants to share this happiness with their near and dear ones. So most of the people who are living outside their home for different reasons have a strong desire to get back home during the Eid vacations. As a result, there is a mad rush in the buses, trains or launches for the home bound people. This often causes transport accidents that take away many lives. However, it cannot stop people`s desire to meet their family, in-laws or friends. What makes people rush for their homes in-spite of serious hazards? This is the pull of the ROOTS. Do human beings have roots like the trees? The answer is ‘yes’ but unlike roots of the trees, they are invisible, they lie in our minds. It`s these roots that make a bond between us and family members, in-laws, friends or even between us and the land where we were born and grew up. In that sense our families, land of birth, relatives, our culture, traditions or surroundings are our roots.>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
And wherever we stay, we have a continuous pull of our roots. It`s our roots that develop our identity making us what we are. When we lose that bond, we become rootless. Human beings who do not have any root or contexts, are non entity. In other words, they do not have their own identity. Such persons are devoid of values, humanity, and social responsibilities. They don`t know where they are from and/or where they are heading towards. This often makes them feel empty and lose. _________________________________
That makes our roots: : The problems of a rootless person D. Fill in the grid with appropriate informations from the text above:-
That makes our roots: : The problems of a rootless person 1. Our families. 2. Our land of birth. 3.Our relatives. 4. Our culture. 5. Our traditions. 1. We become non-entity. 2. We become devoid of values. 3 We become devoid of humanity. 4. We become devoid of social responsibilities. 5. We become empty and lost. Now match the informations with your own
C. Now read the text in the speech bubbles. Make questions for them and then compare in pairs Eid means happiness. 3.In that sense our families, land of birth, relatives, our culture, traditions or surroundings are our roots. 4.It`s our root that develops our identity making us what we are.
Now match the questions with your own What is the main religious festival of the Muslims in Bangladesh? 2. What does Eid mean? 3. What is our roots? 4. What does develop our identity?
E. Work in pairs and talk about these questions. 1.Do you have any root other than the place where you are living now? If yes, where is it and who are there? If not, why not? 2.How do you label your roots? 3.Do you fell any attraction or pull of your roots? 4.How do you nourish your roots? 5.What, according to you, are the reasons, why people become rootless? ________________________________________
Look at the sentences: Everyone wants to share this. Subject + want to + verb + object / complement. Now make ten sentences using the above structure with the verbs below:- from the box below. Use object / complement of your own. PlayWritebuymakerunsingdrawsayswimsell
I want to write a letter. I want to play foot ball. I want to buy a shirt. I want to make a table. I want to run a race. I want to sing a song. I want to draw a picture. I want to say something interesting. I want to swim in the river. I want to sell my car. Now compare your sentences with the sentences below: _ _____________________________________________ THANK YOU