Perkins End of Year Evaluation PITT COMMUNITY COLLEGE
“Perkins funding made a difference at our college” testimonial:
Our college’s best practice using Perkins funds is: Collaborative Planning and Implementation in using resources to enhance Postsecondary Career & Technical Education, in order to level the playing field for those who elect to enroll in CTE programs of study increase CTE enrollment actively engage employers in the development and implementation of CTE programming leading to employment
Our College Perkins Team: NameTitle Phone Alton WadfordDirector, High School Programs Christy WeeksDirector, Biotechnology Dr. Dan MayoDean, Public Safety & Fine Arts Katherine ClydeDean, Business Mark FaithfulDean, CIT
1. We strengthened the academic, career and technical skills of our students by: PCC Faculty Investment in continuous growth Collaboration with industry partners Curriculum Design Pathways Design Internships Modernization Collaboration with county high schools Guidance counselors Teachers Supportive Personnel Guidance & Counseling
2. We linked career and technical education at the secondary level with career and technical education at the postsecondary level: Pitt Community College CIT Division hosted a National CTE Letter of Intent Signing Day on February 18, New students for the school year participated in a signing ceremony. sponsored by the National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3) designed to honor students who are entering a technical field and to celebrate the dignity of work “By signing our incoming students to Letters of Intent, we’re telling them that we’ve reserved a place for them and we want them. Technical education will prepare them for a strong career,” said Alvin Frazier, CIT Recruiting Coordinator for Pitt Community College. “Industry leaders also are excited about this opportunity because it validates the student and provides an opportunity for industry representatives to meet these future workers.” Area business and community leaders along with several of Pitt Community College’s corporate partners attended to show support and provided information to the students and their families. Students and families interacted with potential future employers and learned more about high-demand jobs in many industries including transportation, engineering, HVAC, electrical, welding, and manufacturing.
3. We provided students with strong experience in, and understanding of all aspects of an industry by: April 2016 PCC Career Expo: 138 students from 6 county high schools Engaged in Hands on Activities Partnered on activities with college students Employers met with students and families Supported Rob Boyce in the NE Pathways Initiative Hired Douglas Kirk, engineer, who met with local industry to provide internships in Biotechnology
4. We developed, improved, or expanded the use of technology in career and technical education by: Purchased: High speed precision lathe, milling machines, precision tool kits Mannequins, Patient Table Forensic Science Toolkits Chromatography systems, Dissolution Testers
5. We provided professional development by: AAS faculty attended professional development for certifications: 23 Health Science 24 Construction & Industrial Technology 18 Public Safety & Fine Arts (includes Early Childhood) 32 Business 4 Biotechnology 5 AAS Student Development leaders
6. We developed and implemented evaluations of our career and technical education programs by:
7. We Initiated, improved, expanded, and modernized quality career and technical education programs, including relevant technology by: Modernizing the Biotechnology Program Professional Development of faculty Equipment, per industry guidance Engineer on staff to expand internships Expansion with additional grant applications Improving quality of AAS programs Commitment to Customer Service Service Excellence for students
8. We provided services and activities that are of sufficient size, scope, and quality to be effective as evidenced by: Performance Indicators 1P12P13P14P15P15P %56.68%88.50%72.49%23.11%20.53% 71.84%56.68%86.23%72.49%23.11%20.53% Performance Indicator Summary by State Levels of Performance Performance Indicators by Negotiated Benchmark
9. We provided activities to prepare special populations students who are enrolled in CTE courses by: Provided notetakers to AAS students to enable them to increase class participation. They are able to focus on the lesson then review posted class notes at a later time. The accommodation to minimize limitations resulted in successful completion of AAS courses.
Closing Thoughts Appreciation to the PCC family, with special recognition to the Business Office and to Purchasing, which enable fiscal accuracy for Perkins Jane Alligood, Director of Purchasing & Contracts Pat Hardee, Purchasing Office Sandra Richardson, Purchasing Office Scott Chauncey, Inventory Control Officer Beth Lane, Staff Accountant Appreciation to the System Office Staff for their Guidance, Support, and Oversight to enable PCC to make a difference