February 9 thd 2014
We welcome Abouna Mikhael Labib from St.Paul the Apostle Church in Basateen – ElMaadi, Egypt…he will give us the Arabic sermon. Beginning of Jonah’s fast tomorrow…the Liturgy schedule will be as follow:
Monday : 10:30 – 1:00p.m Tuesday : 9:30a.m – 12:00p.m Wednesday: 4:00 – 6:30p.m Thursday: 9:00 – 11:00 a.m Friday : 11:00a.m -1:00p.m Saturday : No Liturgy. Sunday : 8:00 -11:30a.m.
Wednesday : 7:00 – 8:00p.m English Bible Study (Book of Revelation Ch.20) الجمعة : 7:30 -9:30 م درس الكتاب العربي: سفر أرميا.
Servants meeting today from 1:15 – 2:15p.m.
For Pre-K through 5 th grade, they will be having their store today downstairs in the Middle School Sunday School room.
Arabic Women's Meeting Sat. Feb.15th 11:30am Speaker : Dr. Moushira Ebrahim. Subject: The Tabernacle
God willing the visitations for February will be for residents of city of Dallas…schedule will be with Deacon Antonios…please confirm your visit day or feel free to change it.
Church new board election process started today. If you 18years or older you can nominate anyone who is 21 or older from our congregation. This is the primary phase and will be for 2 weeks. Only Mr.Hazem Naguib from the old board members can not be nominated because he spent 2 successive rounds in the board.
Our deep condolences to our brother Ayman Bardawli for the departure of his cousin Jack Safwat in Egypt last week…may God repose his soul in the paradise of joy.
We need your help with the church cleaning service. A weekly schedule will be set starting the beginning of March God willing. This will save our church a lot of money monthly. Niveen George and Evette Youssef will coordinate the schedule for families or groups interested to help…a sign up sheet will available with them so you can register.
Congratulations to Marianne Ebrahim on her engagement to Mark. May God bless them. Congratulations to John Yaft & Sarah on their engagement. May God bless them.
For all elementary (1 st -5 th ) kids interested in receiving the mighty angels magazine please give your name to your Sunday school teacher by Sunday Febraury 16 th.