Arctic Waterways Safety Committee Doug DeMaster NOAA 10 Dec 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Arctic Waterways Safety Committee Doug DeMaster NOAA 10 Dec 2015

Questions for PI’s to Address: 1. What is your current process for research planning? 2. What type of stakeholder engagement is used during the research planning process? Please specifically state if no protocols currently exist within your agency. 3. What are the current, typical types of sound sources used during the research your agency conducts and/or funds? 4. What are the typical research platforms used (e.g., vessel, aerial, UAS, etc.)? 5. What are the general time periods for your agency research field season?

2016 Ship Allocation Plan NMFS has 1424 DAS from OMAO base – 241 additional DAS from NMFS funding ($2.86M) 1665 DAS of 3059 total planned Fleet DAS U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | NOAA Fisheries | Page 3

Area/ProjectVessel/PlatformTimefra me Point BarrowNOAA Ship Fairweather2017+ Approaches to Wainwright NOAA Ship Fairweather2017+ Point Hope and Vicinity NOAA Ship Fairweather2017+ Port ClarenceNOAA Ship Rainier (TBD)2017 Saint Lawrence IslandNOAA Ship Rainier2017 PARS CorridorNOAA ships TBDTBD Approaches to Yukon River NOAA Ship Rainier2016 Etolin Strait/NunivakNOAA Ship Rainier2016 KuskokwimContractor2017 Pribilof IsNOAA Ship Fairweather2017

AFSC & PMEL EcoFOCI FY16 & FY17 Project Name Type/Name of Vessel Area of Operation YearMonth(s) Length (days) FundingComments Arctic ShieldUSCGC Healy U.S. Chukchi and Beaufort Seas FY16July15 Space provided on existing cruise Deploy two Wave Gliders near Barrow Canyon, Northern Chukchi. Will also deploy innovative tech. buoy near FOCI Mooring C2 (Icy Cape). EcoFOCI Arctic Cruise 2016 NOAA Ronald H. Brown N. Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas FY16July – Sept Partially Funded Funding for physics and marine mammals, but no funding for Fish & Zoops: ship is confirmed (OAR funded) RUSALCA 2016 Russian Charter Vessel Chukchi Sea (Russian & US) FY16Aug.- Sept.20 Partially Funded Oceanographic and plankton sampling NPRB IERP 2017 US Contract Vessel US Chukchi and Beaufort Seas FY17July – Sept.60 Proposal to be submitted to NPRB Unknown. Proposal submitted. NPRB 2017 is OAR ship time, and Fisheries is BOEM ship time. RUSALCA 2017 Russian Charter Vessel Chukchi Sea (Russian & US) FY17Aug.- Sept.20 Partially Funded Oceanographic and plankton sampling

Loss of Sea Ice (LOSI) Project Groundfish & Crab Survey Where: northern Bering Sea continental shelf When: early August through September 2017 (biennial thereafter) Objective: Understand how the loss of sea ice over the Bering Sea continental shelf is affecting groundfish and crab stocks Partners: LOSI Ice Seal and Pelagic Fish Components Vessels: (1) charter fishing vessel Contact: Robert Lauth;

AFSC Proposed Surveys – Northern Bering Sea, Loss of Sea Ice (2016 and 2018) Where: Northern Bering Sea When: Late August to mid September 2016 and 2018 – 25 days at sea each Project: Loss of Sea Ice Objective: Understand impact of loss of sea ice on ecosystem and fish distribution, growth and survival Ship Operations: CTD, zooplankton, surface trawl Partners: Alaska Department of Fish and Game Vessel: R/V CAPE FLATTERY – R/V PANDALUS Contact: Kris Cieciel; 907 Photo: Elizabeth Siddon

Where: Proposed Chukchi and Beaufort Sea When: August to early October 2017 and 2019 – 65 days at sea each Project: Arctic Integrated Ecosystem Survey, Phase II Objective: Understand impact of loss of sea ice on ecosystem and fish distribution, growth and survival Ship Operations: CTD, zooplankton, moorings, surface trawl, acoustics, and bottom beam trawl Partners: NPRB (Arctic IERP), BOEM, PMEL, UAF, OSU, + Vessel: TBD Contact: Ed Farley; Photo: Elizabeth Siddon AFSC Proposed Surveys – Arctic Integrated Ecosystem Survey, Phase II (2017 and 2019)

Ice-associated seal vessel-based studies Location: Bering Sea, marginal ice zone Timing: April 2016 Funding Source: AFSC Contact: Peter Boveng Study platform: NOAA Ship Oscar Dyson Study group: Ribbon and spotted seals Goal of project: Use of satellite tags to investigate abundance, migration, and habitat requirements; health assessments; genetics Map of cruise track (or area)

Joint OAR/PMEL and NMFS/AFSC cruise for long-term monitoring of marine mammal habitat Location: Unimak Pass to Beaufort Sea and return Timing: Probably September 2016 Funding Source: BOEM + NOAA Goal of project: Long-term integrative monitoring of marine mammal habitats Contacts: Catherine Berchok (NMFS/AFSC) & Phyllis Stabeno (OAR/PMEL) Study platform: Unknown charter vessel