The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Walking through the document.


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Presentation transcript:

The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Walking through the document.

Brain Buster #1 According to the Table of Contents … Literature, Informational Text and Foundations are associated with which Strand? Survey says… Reading

Brain Buster #2 According to the Table of Contents … Which Strands are not present in the Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical subjects for grades 6-12? Survey says… Speaking & Listening and Language

Brain Buster #3 From the Introduction (page 3) … Locate paragraph 2; the present work done on the CCSS builds on what? Survey says… the previous work done by states as they crafted their own standards

Brain Buster #4 From the Introduction (page 3) … Locate paragraph 5; are the 6-12 literacy standards for history/social studies, science and technical subjects supposed to replace current content standards? Explain your reasoning. Survey says… they are meant to supplement the current content standards (further comments from you)

Brain Buster #5 Under Key Design Considerations (page 4) … Do the standards mandate specific programs? Who is responsible for students’ literacy development? Survey says… No - the standards focus on results rather than means. All teachers have a role in literacy development.

Brain Buster #6 Page 5 … Discuss what you notice in the tables that summarize the NAEP Reading framework and the NAEP Writing framework. How will this impact instruction in your buildings? Survey says… At the elementary level, more emphasis on reading informational text; and in writing we will need to devote less time to narrative writing and more time to persuade (argumentation) and explanatory writing.

Brain Buster #7 Page 6 … Review what is not covered by the standards. How will you communicate this to parents? Survey says… Who will be bold and brave right now and share?

Brain Buster #8 Page 8 … According to the Key Features of the Standards, there are three appendices. What will you find in each of them? Survey says… Appendix A – VERY GOOD – more info and glossary (also details on text complexity) Appendix B – text samples Appendix C – writing samples

Brain Buster #9 Locate and mark the pages for the CCR Anchor Standards (K-5) targeting: Reading Writing Speaking and Listening Language Survey says… Reading – 10 Writing – 18 Speaking and Listening – 22 Language – 25

Brain Buster #10 On those CCR Anchor Standard pages that we just noted, review the phrases/terms in the boxed sub- headings: Reading- 10 Writing - 18 Speaking and Listening - 22 Language - 25 Survey says… This will become new terminology to weave into our collaboration times with students and parents.

Brain Buster #11 Page 31 … Where will we find more information about Text Complexity? Survey says… Appendix A Go there now and take five minutes to thumb through the pages.

Brain Buster #12 Let’s practice some of the coding … What is the translation for: RL.2.6 – found on page ______ RI.4.10 – found on page ______ RF.1.4a – found on page ______ RF.5.4c – found on page ______ RI.6.6 – found on page ______